Another bricked box

Hi Folks It seems like I had a very similar behaviour
tried to link my box to teddybench, failed a bunch of times until my box was only glowing green and wouldn’t do anything else (except for one time after I let it rest for a bit and the send some command through uart and it sounded up, but nothing else :slight_smile: )

Alright so what did I do to mitigate it so far:

  • Did All the steps from Bricked my box? - #13 by 0xbadbee

  • Most of them went trough except flashing mydump because it stopped at “mcuimg3.bin”

  • Flashed it without “mcuimg3.bin” worked well (as in moved all the files from that folder)

  • Then I flashed “mcuimg3.bin” individually and it transmit it at least partially. I have a feeling the 3,1 MB is a bit too big .

Do you guys have any Idea how I could transmit that file regardless?
I tried Splitting it, renameing it, uploading a 3MB random Testfile (dd if=/dev/urandom of=testfile.bin bs=1M count=3) Nothing worked

I’m on a mac, maybe thats the reason?
Had trouble installing cc3200tool natively so I used a virtual enviroment.
The connection seems to be stable so I doubt thats the reason.

Anyways Here’s the terminal output for all the Rebuild Flash steps from the post mentioned above.
Maybe you can help me with that. I’ll probably try a different Computer in the next days.

(cc3200_env) Antal@com20070 mydump % python3 -m -p /dev/tty.usbserial-A50285BI --reset dtr format_flash -s 4M
<frozen runpy>:128: RuntimeWarning: '' found in sys.modules after import of package 'cc3200tool', but prior to execution of ''; this may result in unpredictable behaviour
2025-03-02 23:36:59,978 -- Connecting to target...
2025-03-02 23:37:02,492 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-02 23:37:04,904 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-02 23:37:05,321 -- Connected, reading version...
2025-03-02 23:37:05,322 -- connected to target
2025-03-02 23:37:05,323 -- Version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2025-03-02 23:37:05,323 -- This is a CC3200 device
2025-03-02 23:37:05,323 -- Switching to NWP bootloader...
2025-03-02 23:37:05,338 -- Switching UART to APPS...
2025-03-02 23:37:05,354 -- Resetting communications ...
2025-03-02 23:37:06,778 -- Uploading rbtl3100s.dll...
2025-03-02 23:37:06,778 -- Reading rbtl3100s.dll from file /Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/dll/rbtl3100s.dll
2025-03-02 23:37:06,780 -- Getting storage list...
2025-03-02 23:37:07,529 -- APPS version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2025-03-02 23:37:07,530 -- Formatting flash with size=4096
2025-03-02 23:37:08,713 -- All commands done, bye.
(cc3200_env) Antal@com20070 mydump % python3 -m -p /dev/tty.usbserial-A50285BI --reset dtr write_file --signature ~/Toniebox_Backup/ota_1.0.1.13- ~/Toniebox_Backup/ota_1.0.1.13- /sys/servicepack.ucf
<frozen runpy>:128: RuntimeWarning: '' found in sys.modules after import of package 'cc3200tool', but prior to execution of ''; this may result in unpredictable behaviour
2025-03-02 23:37:22,249 -- Connecting to target...
2025-03-02 23:37:24,767 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-02 23:37:25,179 -- Connected, reading version...
2025-03-02 23:37:25,196 -- connected to target
2025-03-02 23:37:25,196 -- Version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2025-03-02 23:37:25,196 -- This is a CC3200 device
2025-03-02 23:37:25,196 -- Switching to NWP bootloader...
2025-03-02 23:37:25,212 -- Switching UART to APPS...
2025-03-02 23:37:25,228 -- Resetting communications ...
2025-03-02 23:37:26,652 -- Uploading rbtl3100s.dll...
2025-03-02 23:37:26,652 -- Reading rbtl3100s.dll from file /Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/dll/rbtl3100s.dll
2025-03-02 23:37:26,653 -- Getting storage list...
2025-03-02 23:37:27,387 -- APPS version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2025-03-02 23:37:27,403 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/ota_1.0.1.13- -> /sys/servicepack.ucf [34348, disk=68696]...
2025-03-02 23:37:29,434 -- Read file after writing for verification...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
  File "/Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/", line 1605, in <module>
  File "/Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/", line 1512, in main
    cc.read_file(command.cc_filename, tmpFile)
  File "/Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/", line 1208, in read_file
    raise CC3200Error(f"{cc_fname} does not exist on target")
CC3200Error: /sys/servicepack.ucf does not exist on target
(cc3200_env) Antal@com20070 mydump % python3 -m -p /dev/tty.usbserial-A50285BI --reset dtr write_file ~/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/mcuimg3.bin /sys/mcuimg3.bin
<frozen runpy>:128: RuntimeWarning: '' found in sys.modules after import of package 'cc3200tool', but prior to execution of ''; this may result in unpredictable behaviour
2025-03-02 23:37:39,676 -- Connecting to target...
2025-03-02 23:37:42,194 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-02 23:37:42,603 -- Connected, reading version...
2025-03-02 23:37:42,605 -- connected to target
2025-03-02 23:37:42,605 -- Version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2025-03-02 23:37:42,605 -- This is a CC3200 device
2025-03-02 23:37:42,606 -- Switching to NWP bootloader...
2025-03-02 23:37:42,621 -- Switching UART to APPS...
2025-03-02 23:37:42,637 -- Resetting communications ...
2025-03-02 23:37:44,061 -- Uploading rbtl3100s.dll...
2025-03-02 23:37:44,061 -- Reading rbtl3100s.dll from file /Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/dll/rbtl3100s.dll
2025-03-02 23:37:44,067 -- Getting storage list...
2025-03-02 23:37:44,796 -- APPS version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2025-03-02 23:37:44,813 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/mcuimg3.bin -> /sys/mcuimg3.bin [3108856, disk=3108856]...
........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
  File "/Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/", line 1605, in <module>
  File "/Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/", line 1505, in main
    cc.write_file(command.local_file, command.cc_filename, command.file_id,
                  command.signature, command.file_size,
                  command.commit_flag, use_api)
  File "/Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/", line 1123, in write_file
    return self._write_file_api(local_file, cc_filename, sign_data, fs_flags, size, file_data, file_len)
  File "/Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/", line 1196, in _write_file_api
    raise CC3200Error(f"writing at pos {pos} failed")
CC3200Error: writing at pos 1015808 failed
(cc3200_env) Antal@com20070 mydump % python3 -m -p /dev/tty.usbserial-A50285BI --reset dtr write_all_files ~/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/
<frozen runpy>:128: RuntimeWarning: '' found in sys.modules after import of package 'cc3200tool', but prior to execution of ''; this may result in unpredictable behaviour
2025-03-02 23:39:07,082 -- Connecting to target...
2025-03-02 23:39:09,597 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-02 23:39:12,015 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-02 23:39:12,422 -- Connected, reading version...
2025-03-02 23:39:12,425 -- connected to target
2025-03-02 23:39:12,425 -- Version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2025-03-02 23:39:12,426 -- This is a CC3200 device
2025-03-02 23:39:12,426 -- Switching to NWP bootloader...
2025-03-02 23:39:12,442 -- Switching UART to APPS...
2025-03-02 23:39:12,457 -- Resetting communications ...
2025-03-02 23:39:13,880 -- Uploading rbtl3100s.dll...
2025-03-02 23:39:13,881 -- Reading rbtl3100s.dll from file /Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/dll/rbtl3100s.dll
2025-03-02 23:39:13,883 -- Getting storage list...
2025-03-02 23:39:14,616 -- APPS version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2025-03-02 23:39:14,632 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/.DS_Store -> /.DS_Store [6148, disk=6148]...
2025-03-02 23:39:15,096 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:39:15,112 -- Reading file /.DS_Store -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmpn11tmv1s
2025-03-02 23:39:15,265 -- File /.DS_Store verified
2025-03-02 23:39:15,280 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/settings.cfg -> /settings.cfg [8, disk=8]...
2025-03-02 23:39:15,568 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:39:15,584 -- Reading file /settings.cfg -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmpf2wlhbg_
2025-03-02 23:39:15,650 -- File /settings.cfg verified
2025-03-02 23:39:15,664 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/ -> / [3696, disk=3696]...
2025-03-02 23:39:16,031 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:39:16,047 -- Reading file / -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmp1v9hlki_
2025-03-02 23:39:16,154 -- File / verified
2025-03-02 23:39:16,169 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/fw/sfx.bin -> /fw/sfx.bin [881954, disk=881954]...
2025-03-02 23:39:46,344 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:39:46,359 -- Reading file /fw/sfx.bin -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmpo6me88kc
2025-03-02 23:40:00,202 -- File /fw/sfx.bin verified
2025-03-02 23:40:00,215 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/www/index.html -> /www/index.html [107216, disk=107216]...
2025-03-02 23:40:04,069 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:04,085 -- Reading file /www/index.html -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmp4to2otys
2025-03-02 23:40:05,822 -- File /www/index.html verified
2025-03-02 23:40:05,837 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/www/toniebox.js -> /www/toniebox.js [971, disk=971]...
2025-03-02 23:40:06,125 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:06,141 -- Reading file /www/toniebox.js -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmpxn66utjs
2025-03-02 23:40:06,218 -- File /www/toniebox.js verified
2025-03-02 23:40:06,232 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/mcubootinfo.bin -> /sys/mcubootinfo.bin [8, disk=8]...
2025-03-02 23:40:06,504 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:06,520 -- Reading file /sys/mcubootinfo.bin -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmp39m6ckcl
2025-03-02 23:40:06,584 -- File /sys/mcubootinfo.bin verified
2025-03-02 23:40:06,599 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/ap.cfg -> /sys/ap.cfg [126, disk=126]...
2025-03-02 23:40:06,887 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:06,903 -- Reading file /sys/ap.cfg -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmpu3ajspfc
2025-03-02 23:40:06,970 -- File /sys/ap.cfg verified
2025-03-02 23:40:06,986 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/devname.cfg -> /sys/devname.cfg [79, disk=79]...
2025-03-02 23:40:07,257 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:07,273 -- Reading file /sys/devname.cfg -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmpn10c_pog
2025-03-02 23:40:07,339 -- File /sys/devname.cfg verified
2025-03-02 23:40:07,354 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/.DS_Store -> /sys/.DS_Store [6148, disk=6148]...
2025-03-02 23:40:07,770 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:07,786 -- Reading file /sys/.DS_Store -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmp9j4451ue
2025-03-02 23:40:07,939 -- File /sys/.DS_Store verified
2025-03-02 23:40:07,959 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/mode.cfg -> /sys/mode.cfg [80, disk=80]...
2025-03-02 23:40:08,242 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:08,260 -- Reading file /sys/mode.cfg -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmpgw52ryfm
2025-03-02 23:40:08,324 -- File /sys/mode.cfg verified
2025-03-02 23:40:08,339 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/mcuimg.bin -> /sys/mcuimg.bin [20956, disk=20956]...
2025-03-02 23:40:09,299 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:09,314 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg.bin -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmppnfiide1
2025-03-02 23:40:09,705 -- File /sys/mcuimg.bin verified
2025-03-02 23:40:09,720 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/mcuimg2.bin -> /sys/mcuimg2.bin [164013, disk=164013]...
2025-03-02 23:40:15,493 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:15,508 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg2.bin -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmp4blfk4fs
2025-03-02 23:40:18,131 -- File /sys/mcuimg2.bin verified
2025-03-02 23:40:18,145 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/mcuimg1.bin -> /sys/mcuimg1.bin [154432, disk=154432]...
2025-03-02 23:40:23,534 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:23,550 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg1.bin -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmp4xgw1djz
2025-03-02 23:40:26,022 -- File /sys/mcuimg1.bin verified
2025-03-02 23:40:26,037 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/stacfg.ini -> /sys/stacfg.ini [104, disk=104]...
2025-03-02 23:40:26,309 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:26,324 -- Reading file /sys/stacfg.ini -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmpuwd60rtq
2025-03-02 23:40:26,391 -- File /sys/stacfg.ini verified
2025-03-02 23:40:26,409 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/pmcfg.ini -> /sys/pmcfg.ini [10, disk=10]...
2025-03-02 23:40:26,694 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:26,709 -- Reading file /sys/pmcfg.ini -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmp5p4bt41e
2025-03-02 23:40:26,776 -- File /sys/pmcfg.ini verified
2025-03-02 23:40:26,790 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/otastat.txt -> /sys/otastat.txt [323, disk=323]...
2025-03-02 23:40:27,061 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:27,077 -- Reading file /sys/otastat.txt -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmp4439mgwt
2025-03-02 23:40:27,146 -- File /sys/otastat.txt verified
2025-03-02 23:40:27,161 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/ipcfg.ini -> /sys/ipcfg.ini [200, disk=200]...
2025-03-02 23:40:27,433 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:27,449 -- Reading file /sys/ipcfg.ini -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmpq95ef5cl
2025-03-02 23:40:27,516 -- File /sys/ipcfg.ini verified
2025-03-02 23:40:27,532 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/sys/mdns.cfg -> /sys/mdns.cfg [2016, disk=2016]...
2025-03-02 23:40:27,819 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:27,835 -- Reading file /sys/mdns.cfg -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmps5ei_naw
2025-03-02 23:40:27,924 -- File /sys/mdns.cfg verified
2025-03-02 23:40:27,939 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/cert/ca.der -> /cert/ca.der [1419, disk=1419]...
2025-03-02 23:40:28,227 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:28,242 -- Reading file /cert/ca.der -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmpfw2vbw6d
2025-03-02 23:40:28,327 -- File /cert/ca.der verified
2025-03-02 23:40:28,339 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/cert/client.der -> /cert/client.der [1030, disk=1030]...
2025-03-02 23:40:28,612 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:28,628 -- Reading file /cert/client.der -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmpvhwrrmm5
2025-03-02 23:40:28,704 -- File /cert/client.der verified
2025-03-02 23:40:28,719 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/cert/private.der -> /cert/private.der [1191, disk=1191]...
2025-03-02 23:40:29,007 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:29,023 -- Reading file /cert/private.der -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmpxhdo1c_o
2025-03-02 23:40:29,102 -- File /cert/private.der verified
2025-03-02 23:40:29,117 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/tmp/table.arp -> /tmp/table.arp [208, disk=208]...
2025-03-02 23:40:29,405 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:29,420 -- Reading file /tmp/table.arp -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmp0t6xkjnz
2025-03-02 23:40:29,489 -- File /tmp/table.arp verified
2025-03-02 23:40:29,504 -- Uploading file /Users/Antal/Toniebox_Backup/mydump/tmp/ -> /tmp/ [4008, disk=4008]...
2025-03-02 23:40:29,887 -- Verify written file with second read...
2025-03-02 23:40:29,904 -- Reading file /tmp/ -> /var/folders/d8/11h8v7756q7blld0pdxk_cym0000gp/T/tmpb_l7vvz4
2025-03-02 23:40:30,014 -- File /tmp/ verified
2025-03-02 23:40:30,017 -- Getting storage info...
2025-03-02 23:40:30,030 -- storage #2 info bytes: 0x10, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
2025-03-02 23:40:30,030 -- Getting storage list...
2025-03-02 23:40:30,048 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x0, size 0x2000...
2025-03-02 23:40:30,176 -- [1] detected a valid FAT revision: 29
2025-03-02 23:40:30,176 -- Getting storage list...
2025-03-02 23:40:30,195 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x1774, size 0x2774...
2025-03-02 23:40:30,361 -- selected FAT revision: 29 (active)
2025-03-02 23:40:30,361 -- FAT r29, num files: 26, used/free blocks: 624/400
2025-03-02 23:40:30,361 -- All commands done, bye.
(cc3200_env) Antal@com20070 mydump % python3 -m -p /dev/tty.usbserial-A50285BI --reset dtr list_filesystem

<frozen runpy>:128: RuntimeWarning: '' found in sys.modules after import of package 'cc3200tool', but prior to execution of ''; this may result in unpredictable behaviour
2025-03-02 23:44:00,830 -- Connecting to target...
2025-03-02 23:44:03,343 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-02 23:44:03,757 -- Connected, reading version...
2025-03-02 23:44:03,773 -- connected to target
2025-03-02 23:44:03,773 -- Version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2025-03-02 23:44:03,774 -- This is a CC3200 device
2025-03-02 23:44:03,774 -- Switching to NWP bootloader...
2025-03-02 23:44:03,789 -- Switching UART to APPS...
2025-03-02 23:44:03,805 -- Resetting communications ...
2025-03-02 23:44:07,220 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-02 23:44:07,643 -- Uploading rbtl3100s.dll...
2025-03-02 23:44:07,644 -- Reading rbtl3100s.dll from file /Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/dll/rbtl3100s.dll
2025-03-02 23:44:07,646 -- Getting storage list...
2025-03-02 23:44:08,395 -- APPS version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2025-03-02 23:44:08,395 -- Getting storage info...
2025-03-02 23:44:08,411 -- storage #2 info bytes: 0x10, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
2025-03-02 23:44:08,411 -- Getting storage list...
2025-03-02 23:44:08,429 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x0, size 0x2000...
2025-03-02 23:44:08,557 -- [1] detected a valid FAT revision: 29
2025-03-02 23:44:08,557 -- Getting storage list...
2025-03-02 23:44:08,577 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x1774, size 0x2774...
2025-03-02 23:44:08,744 -- selected FAT revision: 29 (active)
2025-03-02 23:44:08,744 -- Serial Flash block size:	4096 bytes
2025-03-02 23:44:08,744 -- Serial Flash capacity:	1024 blocks
2025-03-02 23:44:08,745 --
2025-03-02 23:44:08,745 -- 	file	start	size	fail	flags	total	filename
2025-03-02 23:44:08,745 -- 	index	block	[BLKs]	safe	[BLKs]
2025-03-02 23:44:08,745 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2025-03-02 23:44:08,745 -- 	N/A	0	5	N/A	N/A	5	FATFS
2025-03-02 23:44:08,745 -- 	0	528	6	no	0x4	6	/sys/mcuimg.bin
2025-03-02 23:44:08,745 -- 	4	5	9	yes	0x8	18	/sys/servicepack.ucf
2025-03-02 23:44:08,745 -- 	6	23	249	no	0xc	249	/sys/mcuimg3.bin
2025-03-02 23:44:08,745 -- 	7	272	2	no	0xc	2	/.ds_store
2025-03-02 23:44:08,745 -- 	8	274	1	no	0xc	1	/settings.cfg
2025-03-02 23:44:08,746 -- 	9	275	2	no	0xc	2	/
2025-03-02 23:44:08,746 -- 	10	277	217	no	0xc	217	/fw/sfx.bin
2025-03-02 23:44:08,746 -- 	11	494	27	no	0xc	27	/www/index.html
2025-03-02 23:44:08,746 -- 	12	521	1	no	0xc	1	/www/toniebox.js
2025-03-02 23:44:08,746 -- 	13	522	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/mcubootinfo.bin
2025-03-02 23:44:08,746 -- 	14	523	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/ap.cfg
2025-03-02 23:44:08,746 -- 	15	524	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/devname.cfg
2025-03-02 23:44:08,747 -- 	16	525	2	no	0xc	2	/sys/.ds_store
2025-03-02 23:44:08,747 -- 	17	527	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/mode.cfg
2025-03-02 23:44:08,747 -- 	18	534	41	no	0xc	41	/sys/mcuimg2.bin
2025-03-02 23:44:08,747 -- 	19	575	38	no	0xc	38	/sys/mcuimg1.bin
2025-03-02 23:44:08,747 -- 	20	613	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/stacfg.ini
2025-03-02 23:44:08,747 -- 	21	614	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/pmcfg.ini
2025-03-02 23:44:08,747 -- 	22	615	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/otastat.txt
2025-03-02 23:44:08,747 -- 	23	616	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/ipcfg.ini
2025-03-02 23:44:08,747 -- 	24	617	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/mdns.cfg
2025-03-02 23:44:08,747 -- 	26	618	1	no	0xc	1	/cert/ca.der
2025-03-02 23:44:08,747 -- 	27	619	1	no	0xc	1	/cert/client.der
2025-03-02 23:44:08,748 -- 	28	620	1	no	0xc	1	/cert/private.der
2025-03-02 23:44:08,748 -- 	29	621	1	no	0xc	1	/tmp/table.arp
2025-03-02 23:44:08,748 -- 	30	622	2	no	0xc	2	/tmp/
2025-03-02 23:44:08,748 --
2025-03-02 23:44:08,748 --    Flash usage
2025-03-02 23:44:08,748 -- -------------------------
2025-03-02 23:44:08,748 -- used space:	624 blocks
2025-03-02 23:44:08,748 -- free space:	400 blocks
2025-03-02 23:44:08,748 -- memory hole:	[624-1023]
2025-03-02 23:44:08,748 -- All commands done, bye.
(cc3200_env) Antal@com20070 mydump % python3 -m -p /dev/tty.usbserial-A50285BI --reset dtr list_filesystem

<frozen runpy>:128: RuntimeWarning: '' found in sys.modules after import of package 'cc3200tool', but prior to execution of ''; this may result in unpredictable behaviour
2025-03-02 23:45:10,360 -- Connecting to target...
2025-03-02 23:45:12,877 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-02 23:45:15,291 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-02 23:45:17,707 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-02 23:45:20,116 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-02 23:45:20,526 -- Connected, reading version...
2025-03-02 23:45:20,532 -- connected to target
2025-03-02 23:45:20,532 -- Version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2025-03-02 23:45:20,532 -- This is a CC3200 device
2025-03-02 23:45:20,532 -- Switching to NWP bootloader...
2025-03-02 23:45:20,548 -- Switching UART to APPS...
2025-03-02 23:45:20,564 -- Resetting communications ...
2025-03-02 23:45:21,988 -- Uploading rbtl3100s.dll...
2025-03-02 23:45:21,988 -- Reading rbtl3100s.dll from file /Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/dll/rbtl3100s.dll
2025-03-02 23:45:21,990 -- Getting storage list...
2025-03-02 23:45:22,739 -- APPS version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2025-03-02 23:45:22,739 -- Getting storage info...
2025-03-02 23:45:22,759 -- storage #2 info bytes: 0x10, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
2025-03-02 23:45:22,760 -- Getting storage list...
2025-03-02 23:45:22,773 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x0, size 0x2000...
2025-03-02 23:45:22,901 -- [1] detected a valid FAT revision: 29
2025-03-02 23:45:22,901 -- Getting storage list...
2025-03-02 23:45:22,921 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x1774, size 0x2774...
2025-03-02 23:45:23,089 -- selected FAT revision: 29 (active)
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 -- Serial Flash block size:	4096 bytes
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 -- Serial Flash capacity:	1024 blocks
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 --
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 -- 	file	start	size	fail	flags	total	filename
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 -- 	index	block	[BLKs]	safe	[BLKs]
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 -- 	N/A	0	5	N/A	N/A	5	FATFS
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 -- 	0	528	6	no	0x4	6	/sys/mcuimg.bin
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 -- 	4	5	9	yes	0x8	18	/sys/servicepack.ucf
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 -- 	6	23	249	no	0xc	249	/sys/mcuimg3.bin
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 -- 	7	272	2	no	0xc	2	/.ds_store
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 -- 	8	274	1	no	0xc	1	/settings.cfg
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 -- 	9	275	2	no	0xc	2	/
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 -- 	10	277	217	no	0xc	217	/fw/sfx.bin
2025-03-02 23:45:23,091 -- 	11	494	27	no	0xc	27	/www/index.html
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	12	521	1	no	0xc	1	/www/toniebox.js
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	13	522	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/mcubootinfo.bin
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	14	523	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/ap.cfg
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	15	524	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/devname.cfg
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	16	525	2	no	0xc	2	/sys/.ds_store
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	17	527	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/mode.cfg
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	18	534	41	no	0xc	41	/sys/mcuimg2.bin
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	19	575	38	no	0xc	38	/sys/mcuimg1.bin
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	20	613	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/stacfg.ini
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	21	614	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/pmcfg.ini
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	22	615	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/otastat.txt
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	23	616	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/ipcfg.ini
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	24	617	1	no	0xc	1	/sys/mdns.cfg
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	26	618	1	no	0xc	1	/cert/ca.der
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	27	619	1	no	0xc	1	/cert/client.der
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	28	620	1	no	0xc	1	/cert/private.der
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	29	621	1	no	0xc	1	/tmp/table.arp
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- 	30	622	2	no	0xc	2	/tmp/
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 --
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 --    Flash usage
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- -------------------------
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- used space:	624 blocks
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- free space:	400 blocks
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- memory hole:	[624-1023]
2025-03-02 23:45:23,092 -- All commands done, bye.
(cc3200_env) Antal@com20070 mydump % python3 -m -p /dev/tty.usbserial-A50285BI --reset dtr reboot
<frozen runpy>:128: RuntimeWarning: '' found in sys.modules after import of package 'cc3200tool', but prior to execution of ''; this may result in unpredictable behaviour
usage: [-h] [-p PORT] [-if IMAGE_FILE] [-of OUTPUT_FILE] [--reset RESET] [--sop2 SOP2] [--erase_timeout ERASE_TIMEOUT] [--reboot-to-app] [-d DEVICE]
             {format_flash,erase_file,write_file,read_file,write_flash,read_flash,list_filesystem,read_all_files,write_all_files,dll_data_test} ... error: argument cmd: invalid choice: 'reboot' (choose from format_flash, erase_file, write_file, read_file, write_flash, read_flash, list_filesystem, read_all_files, write_all_files, dll_data_test)
(cc3200_env) Antal@com20070 mydump % python3 -m -p /dev/tty.usbserial-A50285BI --reset dtr dll_data_test
<frozen runpy>:128: RuntimeWarning: '' found in sys.modules after import of package 'cc3200tool', but prior to execution of ''; this may result in unpredictable behaviour
2025-03-02 23:46:58,058 -- Connecting to target...
2025-03-02 23:47:00,585 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-02 23:47:01,002 -- Connected, reading version...
2025-03-02 23:47:01,020 -- connected to target
2025-03-02 23:47:01,020 -- Version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2025-03-02 23:47:01,020 -- This is a CC3200 device
2025-03-02 23:47:01,020 -- Switching to NWP bootloader...
2025-03-02 23:47:01,036 -- Switching UART to APPS...
2025-03-02 23:47:01,051 -- Resetting communications ...
2025-03-02 23:47:02,475 -- Uploading rbtl3100s.dll...
2025-03-02 23:47:02,475 -- Reading rbtl3100s.dll from file /Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/dll/rbtl3100s.dll
2025-03-02 23:47:02,477 -- Getting storage list...
2025-03-02 23:47:03,226 -- APPS version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2025-03-02 23:47:03,227 -- Reading rbtl3100s.dll from file /Users/Antal/cc3200_env/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cc3200tool/dll/rbtl3100s.dll
2025-03-02 23:47:03,231 -- All commands done, bye.
(cc3200_env) Antal@com20070 mydump %```

Why are you used the inactive flag to extract the files? This can produce defective and invalid files. Please extract the files without the inactive flag. For that please flash you initial backup back to your box.
Why you are running the cc3200tool using the module?
I doubt you are talking about teddyBench

Also was the box working before?

Hi Sorry I’m out of the coding game for a while but with chatgpt I could make out what you ment :slight_smile:

Alright true, no Idea why I was using the Module, i left it out and flashed my initial Backup which executed fully.
However the box didn’t start up again as it should. Still only the green light constantly on.
I even tried to flash the servicepack back onto it using this command and teh result seems like the expected one reading your other post
But no luck.

Before my attempts it was working correctly.
Then I tried to do the flash and conversionfor teddycloud which was not successful initially and it stopped working during my “verschlimmbesserungen”.
I don’t know what I did wrong initially but my inital dump had 0byte files for all the certificates and servicepack.ucf (for the latter that seems normal)

I have no idea what I should try next. Maybe try a different pc or something I come up with.
I honestly regret attempting this conversion and mess my daughters box up :slight_smile:

Maybe I should let a pro do that next time rather than reliving my uni hacker days :smiley: Although its fun at times and I feel like I learn something.