Box bricked? Does not do anything anymore

after following the CC3200 Newbie HowTo, my box is not reacting anymore. I disconnected the uart and wrote the SD card content, after reassembling the box is bricked.
No LED after powering up, independent if via battery, charger or debug port.
Any glue?
TP48 is 0V
TP39 is 4,7V (connected to Battery and Charger)
TP50 is 0V

Did you follow my guide?

I was offline for the weekend, from what I saw two, three other members looked over the guide and it didn’t seem like they found a fundamental flaw.

Can you still connect your uart programmer and access the box that way? edit2: I just realized that you did say that there’s no LED reaction upon connecting the UART programmer. Hopefully the box is still accessible.

Other members may be of more help to troubleshoot your problem, but I’ll try my best to support you. Lacking further information I would need some information on what exactly you did.

I would think that the problem is probably, that you made a mistake during the bootloader installation.

a) Can you still flash / read via your programmer? Are you sure you had it set to 3.3V?
b) How deos your ngCfg.json look like? Please attach it in code blocks here. Also post screenshots / command line output of what your SD card contents are right now.
If you also set

    "general": {
        "activeImg": "ofw2",

can you verify that you wrote your backuped to the SD Card under /revvox/boot/ng-ofw1.bin?
If you somewhat followed my syntax this means you copied the file from ExtractedFromBox/sys/mcuimg.bin to your SD card an renamed it ng-ofw1.bin.
c) if a) is applicable I would personally go ahead and download all the files you wrote to the toniebox:

cc3200tool -p COM3 read_file /sys/pre-img.bin verify/sys/pre-img.bin

repeat that step for:

Then compare the files to what they should be.

/sys/pre-img.bin should be the file you backuped in the first place from your box, you should find it under ExtractedFromBox/sys/mcuimg.bin
/sys/mcuimg.bin should be the file you found in flash folder from the bootloader.
/cert/c2.der should be the certificate from your teddycloud instance. Although I doubt this one is the culprit here.
You can get MD5 or SHA256 hash via certutil -hashfile <file> MD5 or certutil -hashfile <file> SHA256. Although you can probably identify the files by size.

edit: I checked my steps in the guide again, everything seems correct. The users actively involved in the creation of teddycloud and the bootloader may have some better ideas, however my best guess is, that there was a mixup in moving the original bootloader / installing the preloader. All other steps involving the certificates should not lead to the box becoming unresponsive.

No i can’t access the CC3200 anymore, there is no light, nothing …

Hello UHT,

I had a similar problem with my box.
Did you solder the pins?
I left a short circuit when removing the pins. With the help of soldering grease and desoldering braid it was finally done.
For my age, magnifying glasses are the order of the day instead of glasses…