Just for the records, a member of telegram group documented some smooth and working setup in his blog:
Is this fully working with your TeddyCloud instance? Me, having cc3200 Toniebox, I am not able with this config, to see the Box beeing online inside TC under „Tonieboxes“. As well as connection seems not stable. Tonie/TAF download works somehow, but interrupts and resume multiple time. Radio-streams are instable as well.
Do you have cc3200 or ESP Box? Do you see „online“ status and which Tonie is currently placed under „Tonieboxes“ in TeddyCloud?
Hey, i use the ESP32 Box.
I think you need additional configs for CC:
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;
ssl_ciphers 'HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5@SECLEVEL=0';
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers off;
Thanks for feedback. Unfortunately this seems not to be the trick…I’ll keep on trying…
…any hints are very welcome