thats progress, nice! You have to put the IP or Hostname of the teddycloud server there.
localhost does not reference to teddycloud in the view from your box. So the question is where are you running the teddycloud server? Do a “ip a” (linux) or ipconfig (win) on the machine thats hosting teddycloud. That IP goes to the patched image wich you are writing back to your box.
The idea behind this is your box connects to your teddycloud server und your teddycloud server connects to boxine cloud.
If you hide the Mac you should also hide the filename of your flash image.
You can also use the new gui for the flashing give it a try when you are flashing the correct ip of your teddycloud. There are some more hints to make the process easier.
This seems to be a problem on the auto redirect if a port is part of the url. Hm. Currently I do not have an idea how to solve that automatically.
Edit: the used ports can be stored in the settings. The default values are currently 80 and 443. you should adapt that to the used ones. I will use these values for the autoredirect in future.
That worked!
And for the “TeddyCloud Hostname” I just have to put in the IP from my Notebook ( in my case) without “http://”, right?
Do I have to change something here too:
Hey guys, mind helping me again?
After a vacation I decided to give it another try.
I deleted the whole docker image and started from scratch.
After the first flash with the error “turtle”, I ended up with “codeword owl” again.
I don’t know what to do or solve this error.
The troubleshoot isn’t really helping me…
Could you help me please?
PS.: The toniebox is checked in in the WiFi and the client certificates are in lower cases.
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0041:handleCloudTime| >> respond with current time
INFO |mqtt.c:0685:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client ‘Toniebox’ (cn: ‘default’)
INFO |cloud_request.c:0157:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server…
INFO |cloud_request.c:0207:web_request| trying IP:
INFO |cloud_request.c:0033:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS…
INFO |cloud_request.c:0068:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS done
ERROR|cloud_request.c:0217:web_request| Failed to connect to HTTP server! Error=Unknown certificate authority [537]
You are missing the client certificates or they are broken. Are you using the original CA or you are using the teddycloud CA from a previous flash? You need the original one for the client certificates.
Did you backup your server certificates or did you flash your box again?
If you don’t have the previous backup saved somewhere, you at least lost the Boxine CA. But you are somewhat lucky, as it is the same on all boxes, so you can extract it from another box.