Stuck at boot process

Hello, unfortunately I’m a bit stuck with my CC3200 project.
I have completed all the steps to the bootloader.
I also renamed the mcuimg.bin to ng-ofw1.bin and copied it to the SD card.
If I start the box now, nothing happens at all. If I press both ears for a long time, I think she starts with the OFW. Then at least it shows up again in my WIFI. I’m starting to think I’m too stupid for this.

Did I forget any steps?

Thanks for your help

How should we know if you completed all steps? You are just saying you did.
You say you start the box, nothing happens, then you say it starts. Please be more specific and detailed!

Now I’ve come a little further… I once managed to get the CFW to boot and I was able to configure the JSON with my SSID and password.
I was also able to read the certificates. But the CFW absolutely doesn’t want to start anymore. I can’t get into blue mode. Is there a specific time when I have to press the little ear?

You do not read certificates with the CFW if you followed the guide. You just write the ca.der of the server as c2.der onto the flash.
If your ears don’t work as expected, maybe something is broken or lose.

What is blue mode?

blue ligh is the CFW mode, right? i have written the Ca.der as c2.der onto the flash.
Is there any way to boot up in cfw mode every time?

Please use the terms used in the documentation. You have 9 slots, encoded by colour and blinking.

From the posted documentation, you can set default slot in

The configuration for the bootloader is saved within sd:/revvox/boot/ngCfg.json.

ok i found how to change the standard to the CFW but then it boots to the mode where the LED shows all rainbow colors

i check every step but i can not find a mistake

if you have already used the CFW to flash the c2.der you should know that this is the CFW…

As said previously, be detailed, please!

OK i think i know my problem.
I need the ca.der from the teddycloud server… i flashed the extracted one from the box

But i dont know how i can get this from my docker cointainer.

use chatgpt or google… ask for how to copy from docker container

OK it was the problem!

I had added the box now

Thanks a lot for helping…

In order to post a solution for other people who read this, two possible solutions:

1. General approach

Show all used volumes of the teddycloud container:

docker inspect -f '{{range .Mounts}}{{ if eq .Type "volume" }}{{println .Source }}{{ end }}{{end}}' teddycloud



So the certificates of Teddycloud are obviously stored in /var/lib/docker/volumes/teddycloud_certs/_data on the host system in this example (which is the default path on Raspberry Pi OS when setting up docker from scratch and using the provided docker-compose.yaml from Team RevvoX).

We can list the content of the certificate server folder with the following command:

sudo ls -l /var/lib/docker/volumes/teddycloud_certs/_data/server


-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1317 Nov 10 18:18 ca.der
-rw------- 1 root root 3243 Nov 10 18:18 ca-key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1838 Nov 10 18:18 ca-root.pem

All of those files belong to the root user, which is why we need sudo. We can copy the certificate to the user folder (in this case user pi) with the following command:

sudo cp /var/lib/docker/volumes/teddycloud_certs/_data/server/ca.der /home/pi/temp/

2. Alternative solution
For files which are only available inside a container or if we already know where the needed files are stored in the container, it’s possible to copy the content with a one-liner:

docker cp teddycloud:/teddycloud/certs/server/ca.der .

teddycloud → name of the container
/teddycloud/certs/server/ca.der → file inside the container (source)
. → destination file (target) with no renaming (.)

We could also copy the content of the whole server folder like this:

docker cp teddycloud:/teddycloud/certs/server/. server/
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thank you for the great help! You should explicitely mention, that the path names are yours. So everyone has to adapt his according the first output of 1).

In the next version there will be a download button for the tc ca file ^^

Yes, the paths above are the default paths on Raspberry Pi OS when using your provided docker-compose.yaml (without touching it). So at least for every Raspberry Pi user they are the same.

But sure, for other OS’ they might vary. That’s why they should be obtained in the first place. :slight_smile:

that sounds great… I’ll try to write a complete German manual… there are always misunderstandings. For the second box, I only needed 30 minutes, including soldering the interface