However there seems to be no way of finding the toniebox. When connecting the power, the green LED blinks a couple of times and stays green afterwards. The toniebox does appear briefly in my wi-fi devices, but only for a few seconds. I’ve tried this step several times and it produces the same problem over and over again so that I’m stuck at this step now.
I’m running teddycloud on a win10 via docker desktop
I don’t suspect a problem with the Teddycloud here.
Does the Toniebox work in its original state with the original firmware in your WLAN? Do you have a firewall or similar in the network that kicks the Toniebox out for whatever reason? Otherwise, go back and try again. Another question about the WLAN password, special characters or similar in it? If so, maybe use a different one - to test. And the Toniebox can only be used in 2.4GHz WLAN, not 5GHz, if you only have a 5GHz.
Toniebox switched on, Teddycloud running.
Ping to the Toniebox works perfectly.
Teddycloud switched off, Toniebox still on.
Ping to the Toniebox works fine until it switches off automatically (10 minutes)
Teddycloud switched off, Toniebox switched on.
Ping to Toniebox after startup without problems, then aborted.
Tonie (NFC), which does not yet recognize the Toniebox, WLAN connection is established, ping to the Toniebox works properly.
Since Teddycloud is not available, ping aborted.
Could it be that your Toniebox cannot reach the Teddycloud in your Docker instance of your Windows 10 client? Maybe the local Windows firewall is interfering! Can you switch this off to test it?