This concerns me. When opebing the teddycloud webinterface I get this message on the op of the page:
Security Incident Detected! Please check your logs!
Checking the log file I see this message which is however a bit light on detail.
WARN |handler_security_mit.c:0032:isSecMitIncident| robots.txt access detected
WARN |handler_security_mit.c:0037:isSecMitIncident| Security incident detected, there is information, that you are hosting teddyCloud on a public instance
WARN |handler_security_mit.c:0038:isSecMitIncident| Anybody could extract your box certificates and tonies. This could render your tonies and/or box useless
WARN |handler_security_mit.c:0039:isSecMitIncident| Feel free to ask for help on or Telegram: Contact @toniebox_reverse_engineering
WARN |handler_security_mit.c:0152:handleSecMitLock| TeddyCloud has been locked to mitigate security risks!
Where did I mess up?