Alternative Tags do not work

I got my Toniebox running with the CFW. So far everything looks alright. Even the connection to my own server is working.
But, the alternative tags do not work for me. I bought some NTAG215 from Amazon.
My ngCfg is set up to use all the patches necessarry for alternative tags:
“patches”: [“altCa.305”, “altUrl.305”, “blockCheck.310”, “noPass3.310”, “secondPwZero.305”, “uidCheck.307”, “noPrivacy.305”].
Yesterday I also noted, that the patches need to run on a specifig FW, so I uploaded the EU_V3.1.0_BF2-0 to SD:/revvox/boot/ng-add1.bin.

Is there a way to see, if my box is recognizing the tags? I tried the ‘rfid -r’ command in the console of cfw1, but the response was empty for my alternative tags.

The box cannot read NTAG215.
It is only compatible with SLI* based tags