Another 3D printed figure mount :)

So I have created another 3DPrinted mount for Toniebox RFID Tags.
The requirements I had to this model were:

  • Base holds the magnets and RFID Tag.
    The base is equivalent for different Figures.
  • The RFID Tag does not need to be glued somewhere (instead it is just put between the upper & base part)
  • The base and upper part can be opened and exchanged whenever needed.
    Same is for the RFIDTag inside of the base.
  • Magnets do not need to be glued.
  • The upper part is simple to adjust for new figures (even within the slicer - no need for a separated CAD software & CAD adjustment of the upper part)

For the figures I premade the I tried to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Easy to print (preferrable possible without supports)
  • Target audience oriented figures (in short therms - figures for childs - so no sharp edges; colorful)
  • Merging requirement 1 & 2, figures should be colorful, but not hard to print (preferably no MMU needed; manual filament swaps possible)
  • The less glue as possible

This is the resulting base:

See the figures I pre-created here and feel absolutley free to add new compatible figures :slight_smile: :

If you are looking for more custom, but still very easy to create figures, I recommend the following mounts: