Basic connection issues with cc3200tool

I have an older mainboard with a Serial Port Pin header and bought a tag connector:

Onboard Serial Port Pin out:

cc3200tool is running on Linux and does nothing more than

024-07-26 19:24:41,180 – Connecting to target…
2024-07-26 19:24:43,542 – timed out while waiting for ack

However, at the same time cc3200tool is trying to connect, the toniebox is reacting with beeping and blinking. The volume is increased with every connect attempt.

Video what happens:

I already played with the reset and sop2 parameters of cc3200 tool. But with thos explicitly set, the box is not reacting at all.

I would assume someone here has seen this already before and perfectly knows what needs to be done.

Many thanks!


how do you map this layout to the debug ports layout?

This sounds like your wired it wrong.
It is a bad idea just connecting the tag connector directly to the pin header of your Mainboard.
The pin out will likely be different. And also the com serial port may be not 3.3v and may damage your box.

I will soon have to swap the boot loader before debug.

What I noticed is:
Does the underside or the top of the circuit board have to be contacted?

In the video it is the underside.
Shown in the picture of the git from the top.

But that means the pins would be exchanged. 1 -10 etc.


I don’t know which git your are talking.
The wiki shows that it is the underside.

I had already linked the picture.

But it is good to know that you have to be contacted from below.

Thank you very much.

Ok thanks! It seemed to be rather naive of me to assume the wiring just fits. I checked now pin by pin and it does not. The entire scheme is not compatible at all. The onboard serial ports do not even provide 3.3 V. That is true for all three mainboards I have currently available.

Consequently I need to think about a more creative way to get it working.

@tonie_j The tag connector only fits from below. Only from below you actually have the contacts, but I would be curios if you had a mainboard with a proper fitting pin out.