Bluetooth-Mod - Which wire thickness and were to order

Hi there,

TLDR: Which wire where to order (cheap)?

I ordered a wiring pen at aliexpress. The included rolls with wire are 0,01mm and 0,02mm which feels way to thin for me. Mainly because it is hard to work with without accidentally ripping the wire.

I found wireing wire in another shop with thickness of 0,13mm or 0,35mm, but only 4 or 5 rolls in a set. I really dont need 40 oder 50 Meter. And it is expensive.

Never the less I guess 0,35mm would be to heavy - right?

Thanks in advance,

I have used 0,1mm pcb wires from aliexpress.

Work very well and can be soldered easiely:



Great. Thank you for the link to aliexpress. 0,1mm will work for me too.

And big thanks for the pictures of your upgradet tonie box!

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Well done! :+1: You are lucky not to have the ESP32 HW version as I have :grimacing:, covered by the ugly green protection screen.

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I had and i did it as well :slight_smile: