Can't download tonie content from official server

I have a teddycloud up and running, and I can see my toniebox and tonies on it. However when I click the middle button on the tonie screen, All i get is “downloading… Downlaoding “tonie info”” stuck in the top right of the screen. Below is a log capture of startup, a freshness check, putting the tonie on the box and removing it, then trying to download the content in teddycloud.

TeddyCloud v0.6.3 (39b2f89) - 2025-01-06 08:31:53 +0000 ubuntu linux-x86_64(64)

INFO |settings.c:0851:settings_load_ovl| Load settings from /teddycloud/config/config.overlay.ini
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-root.pem’ assumed PEM style
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-key.pem’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-cert.pem’ assumed PEM style
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-key.pem’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0197:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/ca.der’ detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0197:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/client.der’ detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/private.der’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
INFO |settings.c:0851:settings_load_ovl| Load settings from /teddycloud/config/config.ini
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-root.pem’ assumed PEM style
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-key.pem’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-cert.pem’ assumed PEM style
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-key.pem’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0197:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/ca.der’ detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0197:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/client.der’ detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/private.der’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
INFO |settings.c:0851:settings_load_ovl| Load settings from /teddycloud/config/config.overlay.ini
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-root.pem’ assumed PEM style
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-key.pem’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-cert.pem’ assumed PEM style
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-key.pem’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0197:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/ca.der’ detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0197:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/client.der’ detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/private.der’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0390:tls_adapter_init| Loading certificates…
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-root.pem’ assumed PEM style
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-key.pem’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-cert.pem’ assumed PEM style
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-key.pem’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0197:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/ca.der’ detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0197:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/client.der’ detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/private.der’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
INFO |toniesJson.c:0280:tonies_readJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonies.custom.json with size 2
INFO |toniesJson.c:0280:tonies_readJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonies.json with size 5148522
INFO |toniesJson.c:0100:tonies_update| Updating tonies.json from
INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request| trying IP:
INFO |cloud_request.c:0382:web_request| Redirecting to:
INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request| trying IP:
INFO |toniesJson.c:0124:tonies_update| … success updating tonies.json from, reloading
INFO |toniesJson.c:0280:tonies_readJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonies.custom.json with size 2
INFO |toniesJson.c:0280:tonies_readJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonies.json with size 5148522
INFO |toniesJson.c:0211:tonieboxes_update| Updating tonies.json from
INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request| trying IP:
INFO |cloud_request.c:0382:web_request| Redirecting to:
INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request| trying IP:
INFO |toniesJson.c:0238:tonieboxes_update| … success updating tonieboxes.json from, reloading
INFO |toniesJson.c:0280:tonies_readJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonies.custom.json with size 2
INFO |toniesJson.c:0280:tonies_readJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonies.json with size 5148522
INFO |server.c:0961:server_init| 1 open HTTPS API connections
INFO |server.c:0432:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.233.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.233.0
INFO |mqtt.c:0704:mqtt_init_box| Registered new box ‘teddyCloud Box 34B7DA490F94’ (cn: ‘34B7DA490F94’)
INFO |mqtt.c:0705:mqtt_init_box| Using base path ‘teddyCloud/box/34B7DA490F94’ and id ‘teddyCloud_Box_34B7DA490F94’
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0817:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| Content (560 of 560)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0825:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| Found 35 tonies:
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: E00403501EFC0B9D, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 671CDA54 (2024-10-26 12:02:28)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: E00403501D4D3106, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 60C22F6E (2021-06-10 15:27:42)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: E00403501F10884F, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 641418CD (2023-03-17 07:37:49)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: E00403501B046C03, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: E00403501A35DEC8, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: E00403501CFFBD44, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: E00403501FA979BB, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 64CB6BE8 (2023-08-03 08:57:12)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: E004035022B3697F, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 61B9E669 (2021-12-15 12:58:17)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: E00403502134A879, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 61012000 (2021-07-28 09:14:40)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: E00403501F21AB63, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 60C36600 (2021-06-11 13:32:48)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0000000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5E384185 (2020-02-03 15:51:33)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0100000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5E384176 (2020-02-03 15:51:18)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0200000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5E38416A (2020-02-03 15:51:06)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0300000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5E38415B (2020-02-03 15:50:51)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0400000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0500000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0600000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 6644C1D2 (2024-05-15 14:08:18)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0700000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB85DA (2020-05-25 08:46:18)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0800000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB85E6 (2020-05-25 08:46:30)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0900000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB85F1 (2020-05-25 08:46:41)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0A00000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB85FE (2020-05-25 08:46:54)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0B00000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB8611 (2020-05-25 08:47:13)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0C00000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0D00000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB862B (2020-05-25 08:47:39)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0E00000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB8641 (2020-05-25 08:48:01)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 0F00000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB864A (2020-05-25 08:48:10)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 1000000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB8654 (2020-05-25 08:48:20)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 1100000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB8660 (2020-05-25 08:48:32)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 1200000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB866D (2020-05-25 08:48:45)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 1300000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB8677 (2020-05-25 08:48:55)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 1400000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB8688 (2020-05-25 08:49:12)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 1500000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB8695 (2020-05-25 08:49:25)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 1600000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB86A6 (2020-05-25 08:49:42)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 1700000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB86B8 (2020-05-25 08:50:00)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| uid: 1800000002000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5ECB86C7 (2020-05-25 08:50:15)
INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server…
INFO |server.c:0961:server_init| 2 open HTTPS API connections
INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request| trying IP:
INFO |cloud_request.c:0453:web_request| Binary data, not dumping body
INFO |handler.c:0363:cbrCloudBodyPassthrough| Marked UID E00403501B046C03 as updated from cloud
INFO |handler.c:0363:cbrCloudBodyPassthrough| Marked UID E00403501CFFBD44 as updated from cloud
INFO |handler.c:0363:cbrCloudBodyPassthrough| Marked UID E00403501A35DEC8 as updated from cloud
INFO |server.c:0931:server_init| 4 open HTTPS Web connections
WARN |tls_server_fsm.c:0260:tlsPerformServerHandshake| TLS handshake failure!
WARN |tls_server_fsm.c:0260:tlsPerformServerHandshake| TLS handshake failure!
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0041:handleCloudTime| >> respond with current time
INFO |mqtt.c:0690:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client ‘Toniebox’ (cn: ‘default’)
INFO |server.c:0931:server_init| 2 open HTTPS Web connections
INFO |mqtt.c:0704:mqtt_init_box| Registered new box ‘Toniebox’ (cn: ‘default’)
INFO |mqtt.c:0705:mqtt_init_box| Using base path ‘teddyCloud/box/default’ and id ‘teddyCloud_Box_default’
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0448:handleCloudContent| >> client requested content for rUID 7f69b322500304e0, auth
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0724:handleCloudContent| Serve cloud content from /v2/content/7f69b322500304e0
INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server…
INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request| trying IP:
ERROR|cloud_request.c:0344:web_request| Failed to read HTTP response header!
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0041:handleCloudTime| >> respond with current time
WARN |tls_server_fsm.c:0260:tlsPerformServerHandshake| TLS handshake failure!

First, I see, you are sharing your auth (removed it). So you changed some expert settings within teddyCloud.
Did you change any other settings?

Secondly, I see many handshake failures. I would suggest you using the teddyCloud webgui with HTTP.

May you enable the pcap capturing in the expert settings and send me the file, when producing this error?

other than some logging settings I did not change any expert settings AFAIK

How do I use the webcloud gui with http? I tried going to :80 but it doesn’t seem to load

I sent the pcap via telegram


You pretty sure enabled this one here. (which isn’t by default)

Yes sorry, I enabled any logging setting I saw to try and find anything going wrong.

I seem to be having the same problem (or at least the same symptom). I see the same error in the logs:

INFO |handler_cloud.c:0724:handleCloudContent| Serve cloud content from /v2/content/8365b21f500304e0
INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request|   trying IP:
ERROR|cloud_request.c:0344:web_request| Failed to read HTTP response header!

One other bit of debugging info I was able to find - I noticed that when I refreshed the page in my browser, an error message flitted by for a split second right before the page reloaded. I was eventually able to get a screen shot it so I could read it:

Error during background download: FetchError: The request failed and the interceptors did not return an alternative response

I did try accessing teddycloud using http instead of https per 0xbadbee’s suggestion a few posts ago, but the behavior (including error messages) did not change.

Any suggestions would be appreciated