Cant play audio in web font end

I can’t play audio in teddy cloud web app. the player says error.
ERROR|handler_cloud.c:0690:handleCloudContent| >> file /teddycloud/data/library/by/audioID/123.taf not available or not send, error=Write failed [521]...
any ideas why?

What are you doing exactly?

This message appears on my side if I switch to another taf/tonie to play.

Which browser are you using?

In Chrome, it works. With Safari, an error message appears when I klick the play button under the Teddys in the web front end.

That’s “normal”. Safari does not support OGG/OPUS Files (TAF files are such with an additional header).

Playback error in Safari · Issue #119 · toniebox-reverse-engineering/teddycloud · GitHub

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