Can't read certificates of box

I’ve tried multiple different baudrates, to no avail. The 115200 works well when I’m just viewing the output, but everything seems to time out when I try to dump the certificates. I ended up buying a proper USB UART, yet it seemingly has the same issue :confused:

Read flash is working and only the last step after flashing does not? Did you try different usb port? Especially no usb hub?

Read flash is not working, that is what I meant by “dump the certificates”
I’ll try it out with a few different USB ports now, but they are coming directly from my computer’s motherboard, so an issue there is unlikely. Will update in a few minutes.

The same thing happens with other USB ports. Would a video of me attempting to flash it be helpful?

Hm. You might try the legacy approach

I get this error when running the command. (Ignore the other COM errors, forgot to cut those out, sorry)

I’ve noticed that the LED that I’m assuming turns on when the clamp is on properly (once I put the clamp on, the LED turns on) That LED deactivates once I plug in the toniebox’s battery.

Which led? The boxes led should stay off if you do it right (shorted j100).

The uart led should indicating transmission action (if something is read/write it should blink else continuously lightening)

Sorry, I wasn’t very specific. There are three LEDs on the UART. One that I believe means a good connection, one that indicates activity, and one that stays on when the UART is being used by a program.

Here’s a video of me showcasing the light that I think means a good signal. Not sure if that helps you at all though.

Any idea why it isn’t working? I can provide more information or videos if needed, I just want to get this working for my sister soon.

No, I am out of ideas.

Can you list what equipment you are using?

and you are powering your box?

I am using this clamp suggested by Michael_Carpenter here along with this UART I found on amazon.

I power the box using the included battery, fully charged, as the clamp unfortunately blocks the power connector.

Wha aren’t you doing the recommended way? (The video is not working)

Can you post a picture of your setup?

Are you using j103 to connect the uart?

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

Sure, here it is.

Yes, that’s where it is connected to.

Just a reminder, but I’m able to get terminal output from the device using a serial console such as the screen command.

I can try sending a video of me trying to dump the certificates if you think it would be helpful.

Quick note: I forgot to add the jumper in that image, but every time I have tried reading the certificates, I have used the jumper before powering the box.

you can, but i am away from keyboard for a while now

\ - 2024-12-31_09-25-26

Had to use the \ because the video wasn’t embedding properly for some reason.