I am still new here and have been trying to communicate with the CC3200 on my Toniebox. So far I have only executed the “read” commands, but something still seems to be wrong.
The box is permanently green, I can communicate with the chip, but I always get a “broken FAT” and I don’t know what to do at the moment. The box no longer boots either ;( Does anyone have any tips for me? I also have a second Toniebox, but I don’t want to destroy it either
Or is the box just in the wrong mode? I tried two UART adapters as well on different computers (linux and windows)
If you can extract all files this way, it may be possible to rebuild your flash. If not, I can help you if you at least get your private.der/client.der.
It would be nice if you could send me your dump, so I can enhance the cc3200tool and work around this error.