Hi there,
I am still new here and have been trying to communicate with the CC3200 on my Toniebox. So far I have only executed the “read” commands, but something still seems to be wrong.
The box is permanently green, I can communicate with the chip, but I always get a “broken FAT” and I don’t know what to do at the moment. The box no longer boots either ;( Does anyone have any tips for me? I also have a second Toniebox, but I don’t want to destroy it either
Or is the box just in the wrong mode? I tried two UART adapters as well on different computers (linux and windows)
Kind regards,
The only thing which is working is a Dump. But I don’t know if that helps me:
The most important thing is having a complete flash dump.
You should first try to extract all files from your flash dump. Do you get the same error when trying to extract files?
cc3200tool -if firmware.dmp read_all_files extract/
If you can extract all files this way, it may be possible to rebuild your flash. If not, I can help you if you at least get your private.der/client.der.
It would be nice if you could send me your dump, so I can enhance the cc3200tool and work around this error.
–size 4194304 --ignore-max-size
If you want to you can try
where you can disable the limit on read_flash with the flag --ignore-max-size.
This is currently untested and unknown what happens if we overread the flash limits. So I would postpone that until you tried it with the SOP8
>binwalk flash.dump
2420 0x974 Unix path: /sys/servicepack.ucf/sys/mcuimg.bin/sys/mode.cfg/sys/ipcfg.ini/sys/ap.cfg/sys/devname.cfg/sys/mdns.cfg/sys/pref.net/sys/stacfg.i
752571 0xB7BBB ZBOOT firmware header, header size: 32 bytes, load address: 0x09FA4DF7, start address: 0x084618E0, checksum: 0x09462922, version: 0x4AFDDBF0, image size: 1522083915 bytes
1302597 0x13E045 HTML document header
1345592 0x148838 Copyright string: "Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Jan Sorgalla; Licensed MIT */body,html{height:100%}.h2,h1{font-family:Museo,sans-serif;font-weight:500;m"
1398390 0x155676 HTML document footer
1466437 0x166045 HTML document header
1509432 0x170838 Copyright string: "Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Jan Sorgalla; Licensed MIT */body,html{height:100%}.h2,h1{font-family:Museo,sans-serif;font-weight:500;m"
1573585 0x1802D1 HTML document footer
1662984 0x196008 Certificate in DER format (x509 v3), header length: 4, sequence length: 1415
1720328 0x1A4008 Certificate in DER format (x509 v3), header length: 4, sequence length: 1017
3825672 0x3A6008 Private key in DER format (PKCS header length: 4, sequence length: 1187
dd if=flash.dump of=ca.der bs=1 skip=$((0x196008)) count=1419
dd if=flash.dump of=client.der bs=1 skip=$((0x1A4008)) count=1021
dd if=flash.dump of=private.der bs=1 skip=$((0x3A6008)) count=1191
I don’t know if the certs will work.