CC3200 - im stuck


i use an FT232RL to connect to my box. After some trys it worked.
here my progress:

PS C:\Users\name\OneDrive\Dokumente\cc3200tool-master\cc3200tool-master> cc3200tool -p COM7 --reset dtr read_all_files backup/ read_flash backup/flash_backup.bin.
2024-10-28 11:50:46,549 -- Connecting to target...
2024-10-28 11:50:48,874 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2024-10-28 11:50:49,112 -- Connected, reading version...
2024-10-28 11:50:49,121 -- connected to target
2024-10-28 11:50:49,121 -- Version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2024-10-28 11:50:49,121 -- This is a CC3200 device
2024-10-28 11:50:49,121 -- Switching to NWP bootloader...
2024-10-28 11:50:49,136 -- Switching UART to APPS...
2024-10-28 11:50:49,152 -- Resetting communications ...
2024-10-28 11:50:50,383 -- Uploading rbtl3100s.dll...
2024-10-28 11:50:50,384 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 11:50:51,151 -- APPS version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2024-10-28 11:50:51,151 -- Getting storage info...
2024-10-28 11:50:51,167 -- storage #2 info bytes: 0x10, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
2024-10-28 11:50:51,167 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 11:50:51,205 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x0, size 0x2000...
2024-10-28 11:50:51,332 -- [0] detected a valid FAT revision: 64
2024-10-28 11:50:51,332 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 11:50:51,370 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x774, size 0x1774...
2024-10-28 11:50:51,472 -- selected FAT revision: 64 (active)
2024-10-28 11:50:51,472 -- Serial Flash block size:     4096 bytes
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 -- Serial Flash capacity:       1024 blocks
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      file    start   size    fail    flags   total   filename
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      index   block   [BLKs]  safe    [BLKs]
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      N/A     0       5       N/A     N/A     5       FATFS
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      0       71      8       yes     0x0     16      /sys/mcuimg.bin
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      4       105     1       no      0x4     1       /sys/mcubootinfo.bin
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      6       106     53      yes     0x0     106     /sys/mcuimg1.bin
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      7       212     53      no      0x4     53      /sys/mcuimg2.bin
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      8       265     53      no      0x4     53      /sys/mcuimg3.bin
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      9       408     5       yes     0x8     10      /tmp/
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      10      418     1       yes     0x8     2       /tmp/table.arp
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      11      5       33      yes     0x8     66      /sys/servicepack.ucf
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      12      87      1       yes     0x8     2       /sys/mode.cfg
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      13      89      1       yes     0x8     2       /sys/ipcfg.ini
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      14      91      1       yes     0x8     2       /sys/ap.cfg
2024-10-28 11:50:51,473 --      15      93      1       yes     0x8     2       /sys/devname.cfg
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --      16      95      1       yes     0x8     2       /sys/mdns.cfg
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --      17      97      2       yes     0x8     4       /sys/
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --      18      101     1       yes     0x8     2       /sys/stacfg.ini
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --      19      103     1       yes     0x8     2       /sys/pmcfg.ini
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --      20      318     40      yes     0x8     80      /www/index.html
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --      21      398     4       yes     0x8     8       /www/toniebox.js
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --      22      406     1       yes     0x8     2       /cert/ca.der
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --      23      931     1       yes     0x8     2       /sys/otastat.txt
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --      24      421     255     yes     0x8     510     /fw/sfx.bin
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --      26      933     1       yes     0x8     2       /sys/date_time.cfg
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --      27      935     1       yes     0x8     2       /settings.cfg
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --      28      420     1       no      0xc     1       /cert/client.der
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --      29      937     1       no      0xc     1       /cert/private.der
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 --    Flash usage
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 -- -------------------------
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 -- used space:  938 blocks
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 -- free space:  86 blocks
2024-10-28 11:50:51,474 -- memory hole: [938-1023]
2024-10-28 11:50:51,488 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg.bin -> backup/sys/mcuimg.bin
2024-10-28 11:50:51,890 -- Reading file /sys/mcubootinfo.bin -> backup/sys/mcubootinfo.bin
2024-10-28 11:50:51,970 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg1.bin -> backup/sys/mcuimg1.bin
2024-10-28 11:50:54,563 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg2.bin -> backup/sys/mcuimg2.bin
2024-10-28 11:50:57,183 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg3.bin -> backup/sys/mcuimg3.bin
2024-10-28 11:50:59,804 -- Reading file /tmp/ -> backup/tmp/
2024-10-28 11:50:59,930 -- Reading file /tmp/table.arp -> backup/tmp/table.arp
2024-10-28 11:51:00,188 -- File /sys/servicepack.ucf could not be read, /sys/servicepack.ucf does not exist on target
2024-10-28 11:51:00,203 -- Reading file /sys/mode.cfg -> backup/sys/mode.cfg
2024-10-28 11:51:00,285 -- Reading file /sys/ipcfg.ini -> backup/sys/ipcfg.ini
2024-10-28 11:51:00,367 -- Reading file /sys/ap.cfg -> backup/sys/ap.cfg
2024-10-28 11:51:00,448 -- Reading file /sys/devname.cfg -> backup/sys/devname.cfg
2024-10-28 11:51:00,529 -- Reading file /sys/mdns.cfg -> backup/sys/mdns.cfg
2024-10-28 11:51:00,808 -- File /sys/ could not be read, /sys/ does not exist on target
2024-10-28 11:51:00,824 -- Reading file /sys/stacfg.ini -> backup/sys/stacfg.ini
2024-10-28 11:51:00,905 -- Reading file /sys/pmcfg.ini -> backup/sys/pmcfg.ini
2024-10-28 11:51:00,985 -- Reading file /www/index.html -> backup/www/index.html
2024-10-28 11:51:02,542 -- Reading file /www/toniebox.js -> backup/www/toniebox.js
2024-10-28 11:51:02,633 -- Reading file /cert/ca.der -> backup/cert/ca.der
2024-10-28 11:51:02,729 -- Reading file /sys/otastat.txt -> backup/sys/otastat.txt
2024-10-28 11:51:02,813 -- Reading file /fw/sfx.bin -> backup/fw/sfx.bin
2024-10-28 11:51:16,547 -- Reading file /sys/date_time.cfg -> backup/sys/date_time.cfg
2024-10-28 11:51:16,627 -- Reading file /settings.cfg -> backup/settings.cfg
2024-10-28 11:51:16,706 -- Reading file /cert/client.der -> backup/cert/client.der
2024-10-28 11:51:16,798 -- Reading file /cert/private.der -> backup/cert/private.der
2024-10-28 11:51:16,876 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 11:51:16,914 -- Getting storage info...
2024-10-28 11:51:16,924 -- storage #2 info bytes: 0x10, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
2024-10-28 11:51:16,924 -- Setting raw read size to maximum: 4194304
2024-10-28 11:51:16,924 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x0, size 0x400000...
2024-10-28 11:52:22,399 -- All commands done, bye.
PS C:\Users\name\OneDrive\Dokumente\cc3200tool-master\cc3200tool-master> cc3200tool -p COM7 --reset dtr read_flash firmware.dmp
2024-10-28 11:53:42,109 -- Connecting to target...
2024-10-28 11:53:44,439 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2024-10-28 11:53:46,670 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2024-10-28 11:53:48,897 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2024-10-28 11:53:49,135 -- Connected, reading version...
2024-10-28 11:53:49,142 -- connected to target
2024-10-28 11:53:49,142 -- Version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2024-10-28 11:53:49,142 -- This is a CC3200 device
2024-10-28 11:53:49,142 -- Switching to NWP bootloader...
2024-10-28 11:53:49,158 -- Switching UART to APPS...
2024-10-28 11:53:49,173 -- Resetting communications ...
2024-10-28 11:53:50,404 -- Uploading rbtl3100s.dll...
2024-10-28 11:53:50,405 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 11:53:51,172 -- APPS version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2024-10-28 11:53:51,172 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 11:53:51,210 -- Getting storage info...
2024-10-28 11:53:51,220 -- storage #2 info bytes: 0x10, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
2024-10-28 11:53:51,220 -- Setting raw read size to maximum: 4194304
2024-10-28 11:53:51,221 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x0, size 0x400000...
2024-10-28 11:54:56,690 -- All commands done, bye.
PS C:\Users\name\OneDrive\Dokumente\cc3200tool-master\cc3200tool-master> cc3200tool -p COM7 --reset dtr read_file /sys/mcuimg.bin mcuimg.bin
2024-10-28 11:59:00,806 -- Connecting to target...
2024-10-28 11:59:03,129 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2024-10-28 11:59:05,370 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2024-10-28 11:59:05,608 -- Connected, reading version...
2024-10-28 11:59:05,617 -- connected to target
2024-10-28 11:59:05,617 -- Version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2024-10-28 11:59:05,617 -- This is a CC3200 device
2024-10-28 11:59:05,617 -- Switching to NWP bootloader...
2024-10-28 11:59:05,632 -- Switching UART to APPS...
2024-10-28 11:59:05,648 -- Resetting communications ...
2024-10-28 11:59:08,875 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2024-10-28 11:59:11,113 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2024-10-28 11:59:13,345 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2024-10-28 11:59:13,596 -- Uploading rbtl3100s.dll...
2024-10-28 11:59:13,596 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 11:59:14,363 -- APPS version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2024-10-28 11:59:14,379 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg.bin -> mcuimg.bin
2024-10-28 11:59:14,765 -- All commands done, bye.
PS C:\Users\name\OneDrive\Dokumente\cc3200tool-master\cc3200tool-master> cc3200tool -p COM7 --read dtr write_file mcuimg.bin /sys/pre-img.bin
usage: cc3200tool [-h] [-p PORT] [-if IMAGE_FILE] [-of OUTPUT_FILE] [--reset RESET] [--sop2 SOP2]
                  [--erase_timeout ERASE_TIMEOUT] [--reboot-to-app] [-d DEVICE]
                  {format_flash,erase_file,write_file,read_file,write_flash,read_flash,list_filesystem,read_all_files,write_all_files} ...
cc3200tool: error: argument cmd: invalid choice: 'dtr' (choose from 'format_flash', 'erase_file', 'write_file', 'read_file', 'write_flash', 'read_flash', 'list_filesystem', 'read_all_files', 'write_all_files')
PS C:\Users\name\OneDrive\Dokumente\cc3200tool-master\cc3200tool-master> cc3200tool -p COM7 --reset dtr write_file mcuimg.bin /sys/pre-img.bin
2024-10-28 11:59:41,699 -- Connecting to target...
2024-10-28 11:59:44,030 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2024-10-28 11:59:44,268 -- Connected, reading version...
2024-10-28 11:59:44,270 -- connected to target
2024-10-28 11:59:44,270 -- Version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2024-10-28 11:59:44,271 -- This is a CC3200 device
2024-10-28 11:59:44,271 -- Switching to NWP bootloader...
2024-10-28 11:59:44,286 -- Switching UART to APPS...
2024-10-28 11:59:44,302 -- Resetting communications ...
2024-10-28 11:59:45,533 -- Uploading rbtl3100s.dll...
2024-10-28 11:59:45,533 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 11:59:46,285 -- APPS version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2024-10-28 11:59:46,302 -- Uploading file mcuimg.bin -> /sys/pre-img.bin [20956, disk=20956]...
2024-10-28 11:59:47,389 -- Getting storage info...
2024-10-28 11:59:47,405 -- storage #2 info bytes: 0x10, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
2024-10-28 11:59:47,405 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 11:59:47,443 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x0, size 0x2000...
2024-10-28 11:59:47,571 -- [1] detected a valid FAT revision: 67
2024-10-28 11:59:47,571 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 11:59:47,609 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x1774, size 0x2774...
2024-10-28 11:59:47,775 -- selected FAT revision: 67 (active)
2024-10-28 11:59:47,775 -- FAT r67, num files: 26, used/free blocks: 944/80
2024-10-28 11:59:47,775 -- All commands done, bye.
PS C:\Users\name\OneDrive\Dokumente\cc3200tool-master\cc3200tool-master> cc3200tool -p COM7 --reset dtr write_file mcuimg.bin /sys/pre-img.bin
2024-10-28 12:01:18,706 -- Connecting to target...
2024-10-28 12:01:21,032 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2024-10-28 12:01:21,270 -- Connected, reading version...
2024-10-28 12:01:21,278 -- connected to target
2024-10-28 12:01:21,278 -- Version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2024-10-28 12:01:21,278 -- This is a CC3200 device
2024-10-28 12:01:21,278 -- Switching to NWP bootloader...
2024-10-28 12:01:21,294 -- Switching UART to APPS...
2024-10-28 12:01:21,309 -- Resetting communications ...
2024-10-28 12:01:22,541 -- Uploading rbtl3100s.dll...
2024-10-28 12:01:22,541 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 12:01:23,308 -- APPS version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2024-10-28 12:01:23,324 -- File exists on target, erasing
2024-10-28 12:01:23,340 -- Erasing file /sys/pre-img.bin...
2024-10-28 12:01:23,532 -- Uploading file mcuimg.bin -> /sys/pre-img.bin [20956, disk=20956]...
2024-10-28 12:01:24,636 -- Getting storage info...
2024-10-28 12:01:24,652 -- storage #2 info bytes: 0x10, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
2024-10-28 12:01:24,652 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 12:01:24,690 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x0, size 0x2000...
2024-10-28 12:01:24,817 -- [1] detected a valid FAT revision: 69
2024-10-28 12:01:24,817 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 12:01:24,856 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x1774, size 0x2774...
2024-10-28 12:01:25,023 -- selected FAT revision: 69 (active)
2024-10-28 12:01:25,023 -- FAT r69, num files: 26, used/free blocks: 944/80
2024-10-28 12:01:25,023 -- All commands done, bye.
PS C:\Users\name\OneDrive\Dokumente\cc3200tool-master\cc3200tool-master> cc3200tool -p COM7 --reset dtr write_file flash/sys/mcuimg.bin /sys/mcuimg.bin
2024-10-28 12:02:57,562 -- Connecting to target...
2024-10-28 12:02:59,890 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2024-10-28 12:03:00,128 -- Connected, reading version...
2024-10-28 12:03:00,134 -- connected to target
2024-10-28 12:03:00,134 -- Version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2024-10-28 12:03:00,134 -- This is a CC3200 device
2024-10-28 12:03:00,135 -- Switching to NWP bootloader...
2024-10-28 12:03:00,150 -- Switching UART to APPS...
2024-10-28 12:03:00,166 -- Resetting communications ...
2024-10-28 12:03:01,397 -- Uploading rbtl3100s.dll...
2024-10-28 12:03:01,397 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 12:03:02,165 -- APPS version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2024-10-28 12:03:02,181 -- File exists on target, erasing
2024-10-28 12:03:02,197 -- Erasing file /sys/mcuimg.bin...
2024-10-28 12:03:02,389 -- Uploading file flash/sys/mcuimg.bin -> /sys/mcuimg.bin [15791, disk=15791]...
2024-10-28 12:03:03,220 -- Getting storage info...
2024-10-28 12:03:03,237 -- storage #2 info bytes: 0x10, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
2024-10-28 12:03:03,237 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 12:03:03,275 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x0, size 0x2000...
2024-10-28 12:03:03,403 -- [1] detected a valid FAT revision: 71
2024-10-28 12:03:03,403 -- Getting storage list...
2024-10-28 12:03:03,442 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x1774, size 0x2774...
2024-10-28 12:03:03,607 -- selected FAT revision: 71 (active)
2024-10-28 12:03:03,607 -- FAT r71, num files: 26, used/free blocks: 932/92
2024-10-28 12:03:03,607 -- All commands done, bye.
PS C:\Users\name\OneDrive\Dokumente\cc3200tool-master\cc3200tool-master>

My SD card:

-- <revoxx>
---- <audio> (all files from hackiebox_cfw-master)
---- <boot>
------ <patch> (all the .json files)
------ mcuimg.bin
------ ngbootloader.bin
------ ngCfg.json
---- <web> (all files from hackiebox_cfw-master)
<CONTENT> -- empty
<TRASH> -- empty
type or paste code here

teddycloud is running

My problem now:
if i start my box, a green light, then some blue light flashing. and then nothing. no sound, no light.

is something wrong my sd card or what am i missing here?

Please check the error code of the blinking Bootloader | Toniebox Hacking

Also check if the /sys/pre-img.bin is fine

1 green - pause - 6 slow blinks - pause - some very fast blue blinks

somehow i think its the sd card. or the files on it.
its a new card, FAT32 formatted.

i dont understand this. do i have to rename something or are my files correct? all went good until here (for my brain)

As said, please interpret the blinking with the link provided.
Please follow the guide

Copy over all the contents of the sd folder to the sd card of the toniebox. Copy over the original bootloader (mcuimg.bin from your backup) to the first ofw slot sd:/revvox/boot/ng-ofw1.bin . Now the HackieboxNG bootloader will instantly boot the original bootloader and run the original firmware.

i think you want to point to this?

  1. FR_INVALID_NAME, /* (6) The path name format is invalid */

i dont get this part:
Copy over the original bootloader (mcuimg.bin from your backup) to the first ofw slot sd:/revvox/boot/ng-ofw1.bin

there is no ng-ofw1.bin. do i have to rename mcuimg.bin?
im sorry, but my brain doesnt understand this :smiley:

Ok i renamed it, now i think i get

Application error - 3x33ms, 3x66ms, 3x33ms

OR its

  1. FR_INVALID_OBJECT, /* (9) The file/directory object is invalid */

i get exactly 9 blicks, after the first green.

the mcuimg.bin from my backup is 21kb. while mcuimg1,2,3 are 160/161/161.

do i still have to connect my FT232RL? i dont know why but i disconnected. i thought i dont need it anymore.

it depends on the timing

this is fine

If your box doesn’t boot as it should, you may need to reflash the custom bootloader and/or the pre-img.bin if it is broken.

i think its application error. hard to say…try to watch it in slo mo.

from what point do i start again?