Change Content of an normal Tonie with TeddyCloud 0.4.0

The procedure for changing the content of normal Tonies has apparently changed with version 0.4.0 of TeddyCloud. In previous versions it was enough to overwrite the TAF file in the associated folder with the audio encoder and after a refresh the box played the new content. With version 0.4.0 the original content is immediately downloaded again and the other TAF is overwritten. Is this normal behavior and what do I have to do to get my own content on normal Tonies?

Do you have set the nocloud tag in the json to true?

I am currently only aware of a bug that tags are not updated if they are set live (which is fixed in the current develop version)

If you are overwriting an original tonie this is intended behavior. This is the same “problem” that users of teddyBench have.
v0.4.0 fully implemented the freshnessCheck. So this could be different in the previous version.
If you want to keep that, enable the nocloud flag.

Okay, but when I set the nocloud-Flag and overwrite the 500304E0 TAF File in the Folder, I get this Error:

Content marked as no cloud and no content locally available

“Cache to Library” is disabled. Do I have to enter something under “source”?

That may be also because of the bug mentioned. This should be fixed on the develop version.

Okay, I will try the develop version.

Yes, it was the bug, version 0.4.1 works.

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