Two questions about Creative Tonies and official purchased/free content (from the boxine cloud - not custom uploaded one).
I can see that in TeddyCloud Library view the content does not have any Model / Series / Episode assigend to it. Is my assumption correct that this is because the AudioID is newly generated whenever the content is first downloaded after assignment to a Creative Tonie? So this has to be added fully manually to “tonies.custom.json” or is there some already existing overview about official boxine store content which only needs the individually generated AudioID and Hash assinged?
if a new content is assigned to the creative tonie within boxine cloud (not teddycloud), in teddycloud a .taf.json is created which redirects to the new .taf audio file.
The previous .taf file is deleted and a folder (named like the first, matching part of OldAudioID & NewAudioID?) is created - why?
This is true. The audioID is more or less the datetime where the content was converted. For creative tonies this changes everytime you chance the content within the cloud web ui.
For official content, you bought on the tonies website (called tunes) we just don’t have the audioIDs and hashes. You may open an issue or create a pull request and add the data to the right YAML.
For custom content you can use the tonies.custom.json. But we will add basic metadata to the TAFs, so this is only needed for the tags themselves, not for the content.
The intended way is, that there is no json within the library. If new content is downloaded, it should be added with its audioID to the library and the content json of the tag should now point to the new file in the lib.
Just updated to dev version yesterday but if I remember correctly 0.5.2 had the same behavior.
For official content, you bought on the tonies website (called tunes) we just don’t have the audioIDs and hashes. You may open an issue or create a pull request and add the data to the right YAML.
I did some more try & error and I think the issue with this is now clear to me - if you got content from tunes you can assign more than one content to a creative tonie (if it does not exceed the 90min limit).
Then not only audioID, but Hash of the taf file is different, too. So no way to automatically detect/assign the content.
Independently of this I have seen that within tonies.json a lot of the content already exists but has empty hash & audioID - so just copy over and add my audioID & hash for the custom tonie TAF File. Awesome
The intended way is, that there is no json within the library.
hm…not in my case. - But maybe I am just not patient enough and after some minutes (and complete download to the toniebox?) the json is deleted. I did not wait and cleaned up manually. But I can test later…
What about the folder? The json at least makes some sense due to redirecting to me but the folder is absolutely unclear