CreativeTonie does not refresh content

i set up the teddycloud the first time.
the first times i had problems with the certificates and the connection between the box and the teddycloud.
Now i think it is working fine if i review my logs.

Than i added content to the creativetonie that was shiped with the box and placed it at the box.
than i do have a tls-error .

2024/02/13 15:53:43	stderr	INFO |server.c:0569:server_init| 6 open HTTPS connections
2024/02/13 15:53:37	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0417:web_request| Connection closed
2024/02/13 15:53:37	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0225:cbrCloudServerDiscoPassthrough| >> cbrCloudServerDiscoPassthrough
2024/02/13 15:53:37	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0386:web_request| Response: '1707836016'
2024/02/13 15:53:37	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0061:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: NULL
2024/02/13 15:53:37	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: x-request-id = F7NzzxPUKyoyAWQEjG3S
2024/02/13 15:53:37	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: cache-control = max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
2024/02/13 15:53:37	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Connection = keep-alive
2024/02/13 15:53:37	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Content-Length = 10
2024/02/13 15:53:37	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0339:web_request| Content-Type is text/plain; charset=utf-8
2024/02/13 15:53:37	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Content-Type = text/plain; charset=utf-8
2024/02/13 15:53:37	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Date = Tue, 13 Feb 2024 14:53:36 GMT
2024/02/13 15:53:37	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Server = openresty
2024/02/13 15:53:37	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0308:web_request| HTTP code: 200
2024/02/13 15:53:35	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0071:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS done
2024/02/13 15:53:35	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0036:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS...
2024/02/13 15:53:35	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0208:web_request|   trying IP:
2024/02/13 15:53:35	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0158:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
2024/02/13 15:53:35	stderr	INFO |mqtt.c:0684:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
2024/02/13 15:53:35	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0038:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
2024/02/13 15:52:36	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0417:web_request| Connection closed
2024/02/13 15:52:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0225:cbrCloudServerDiscoPassthrough| >> cbrCloudServerDiscoPassthrough
2024/02/13 15:52:36	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0386:web_request| Response: '1707835956'
2024/02/13 15:52:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0061:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: NULL
2024/02/13 15:52:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: x-request-id = F7NzwP9Kj_x1lX4KuWXR
2024/02/13 15:52:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: cache-control = max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
2024/02/13 15:52:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Connection = keep-alive
2024/02/13 15:52:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Content-Length = 10
2024/02/13 15:52:36	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0339:web_request| Content-Type is text/plain; charset=utf-8
2024/02/13 15:52:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Content-Type = text/plain; charset=utf-8
2024/02/13 15:52:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Date = Tue, 13 Feb 2024 14:52:36 GMT
2024/02/13 15:52:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Server = openresty
2024/02/13 15:52:36	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0308:web_request| HTTP code: 200
2024/02/13 15:52:35	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0071:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS done
2024/02/13 15:52:35	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0036:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS...
2024/02/13 15:52:35	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0208:web_request|   trying IP:
2024/02/13 15:52:35	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0158:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
2024/02/13 15:52:35	stderr	INFO |mqtt.c:0684:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
2024/02/13 15:52:35	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0038:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
2024/02/13 15:51:42	stderr	INFO |server.c:0569:server_init| 7 open HTTPS connections
2024/02/13 15:51:36	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0417:web_request| Connection closed
2024/02/13 15:51:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0225:cbrCloudServerDiscoPassthrough| >> cbrCloudServerDiscoPassthrough
2024/02/13 15:51:36	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0386:web_request| Response: '1707835896'
2024/02/13 15:51:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0061:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: NULL
2024/02/13 15:51:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: x-request-id = F7NzswPK4wkPPqoE_o1h
2024/02/13 15:51:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: cache-control = max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
2024/02/13 15:51:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Connection = keep-alive
2024/02/13 15:51:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Content-Length = 10
2024/02/13 15:51:36	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0339:web_request| Content-Type is text/plain; charset=utf-8
2024/02/13 15:51:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Content-Type = text/plain; charset=utf-8
2024/02/13 15:51:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Date = Tue, 13 Feb 2024 14:51:36 GMT
2024/02/13 15:51:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Server = openresty
2024/02/13 15:51:36	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0308:web_request| HTTP code: 200
2024/02/13 15:51:35	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0071:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS done
2024/02/13 15:51:35	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0036:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS...
2024/02/13 15:51:35	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0208:web_request|   trying IP:
2024/02/13 15:51:35	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0158:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
2024/02/13 15:51:35	stderr	INFO |mqtt.c:0684:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
2024/02/13 15:51:35	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0038:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
2024/02/13 15:50:54	stderr	ERROR|cloud_request.c:0295:web_request| Failed to read HTTP response header!
2024/02/13 15:50:52	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0071:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS done
2024/02/13 15:50:52	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0036:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS...
2024/02/13 15:50:52	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0208:web_request|   trying IP:
2024/02/13 15:50:52	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0158:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
2024/02/13 15:50:52	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0476:handleCloudContent| Serve cloud content from /v2/content/6780c11c500304e0
2024/02/13 15:50:52	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0303:handleCloudContent|  >> client requested content for rUID 6780c11c500304e0, auth 01D6899C...
2024/02/13 15:50:52	stderr	INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.230.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.230.0
2024/02/13 15:50:51	stderr	INFO |server.c:0569:server_init| 8 open HTTPS connections
2024/02/13 15:50:36	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0417:web_request| Connection closed
2024/02/13 15:50:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0225:cbrCloudServerDiscoPassthrough| >> cbrCloudServerDiscoPassthrough
2024/02/13 15:50:36	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0386:web_request| Response: '1707835835'
2024/02/13 15:50:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0061:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: NULL
2024/02/13 15:50:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: x-request-id = F7NzpOzx80yHdP4K1MCC
2024/02/13 15:50:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: cache-control = max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
2024/02/13 15:50:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Connection = keep-alive
2024/02/13 15:50:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Content-Length = 10
2024/02/13 15:50:36	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0339:web_request| Content-Type is text/plain; charset=utf-8
2024/02/13 15:50:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Content-Type = text/plain; charset=utf-8
2024/02/13 15:50:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Date = Tue, 13 Feb 2024 14:50:35 GMT
2024/02/13 15:50:36	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Server = openresty
2024/02/13 15:50:35	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0308:web_request| HTTP code: 200
2024/02/13 15:50:34	stderr	INFO |handler_api.c:0094:queryPrepare| requested index for 'content'
2024/02/13 15:50:34	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0071:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS done
2024/02/13 15:50:34	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0036:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS...
2024/02/13 15:50:34	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0208:web_request|   trying IP:
2024/02/13 15:50:34	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0158:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
2024/02/13 15:50:34	stderr	INFO |mqtt.c:0684:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
2024/02/13 15:50:34	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0038:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
2024/02/13 15:50:31	stderr	INFO |tls_adapter.c:0205:read_certificate| File '/etc/teddycloud/certs/client/private.der' detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
2024/02/13 15:50:31	stderr	INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File '/etc/teddycloud/certs/client/client.der' detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
2024/02/13 15:50:31	stderr	INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File '/etc/teddycloud/certs/client/ca.der' detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
2024/02/13 15:50:31	stderr	INFO |tls_adapter.c:0205:read_certificate| File '/etc/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-key.pem' detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
2024/02/13 15:50:31	stderr	INFO |tls_adapter.c:0208:read_certificate| File '/etc/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-cert.pem' assumed PEM style
2024/02/13 15:50:31	stderr	INFO |tls_adapter.c:0205:read_certificate| File '/etc/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-key.pem' detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
2024/02/13 15:50:31	stderr	INFO |tls_adapter.c:0208:read_certificate| File '/etc/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-root.pem' assumed PEM style
2024/02/13 15:50:31	stderr	INFO |settings.c:0659:settings_load_ovl| Load settings from /etc/teddycloud/config/config.overlay.ini

Please disable the cloud and do a freshnessCheck. It looks like there is a connection problem between your box and teddyCloud as there are connection skipped messages.

Thx for your answer 0xbadbee

if done the freshenessCheck without cloud and the box become green.

2024/02/13 18:10:14	stderr	INFO |mqtt.c:0684:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
2024/02/13 18:10:14	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0038:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
2024/02/13 18:09:14	stderr	INFO |mqtt.c:0684:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
2024/02/13 18:09:14	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0038:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
2024/02/13 18:08:22	stderr	INFO |server.c:0569:server_init| 1 open HTTPS connections
2024/02/13 18:08:13	stderr	INFO |handler_api.c:0094:queryPrepare| requested index for 'content'
2024/02/13 18:08:13	stderr	INFO |mqtt.c:0684:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
2024/02/13 18:08:13	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0038:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
2024/02/13 18:07:48	stderr	INFO |mqtt.c:0684:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
2024/02/13 18:07:48	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0038:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
2024/02/13 18:06:48	stderr	INFO |mqtt.c:0684:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
2024/02/13 18:06:48	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0038:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0693:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| Freshness check response: size=14, content=
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE897A unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1800000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE897A unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1700000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE897A unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1600000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE897A unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1500000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8979 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1400000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8979 (2016-09-30 15:49:13)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8979 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1300000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8979 (2016-09-30 15:49:13)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8979 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1200000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8979 (2016-09-30 15:49:13)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 59F0AC95 unknown but previous content known by model box-de-de-01-00000011.
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1100000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 59F0AC95 (2017-10-25 15:24:05)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8978 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1000000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8978 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0F00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8978 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0E00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8978 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0D00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0C00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8977 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0B00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8977 (2016-09-30 15:49:11)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 595363CC unknown but previous content known by model box-de-de-01-0000000A.
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0A00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 595363CC (2017-06-28 08:07:40)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8977 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0900000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8977 (2016-09-30 15:49:11)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 59536396 unknown but previous content known by model box-de-de-01-00000008.
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0800000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 59536396 (2017-06-28 08:06:46)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 595364DC unknown but previous content known by model box-de-de-01-00000007.
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0700000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 595364DC (2017-06-28 08:12:12)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 6582F9DC unknown but previous content known by model box-en-gb-00-00000006.
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0600000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 6582F9DC (2023-12-20 14:27:40)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0500000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0400000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8975 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0300000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8975 (2016-09-30 15:49:09)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8975 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0200000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8975 (2016-09-30 15:49:09)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8975 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0100000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8975 (2016-09-30 15:49:09)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 58DE2BEB unknown but previous content known by model box-de-de-01-00000000.
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0000000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 58DE2BEB (2017-03-31 10:14:03)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: E00403501BDD0355, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 65A838DE unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: E00403501CC18067, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 65A838DE (2024-01-17 20:30:22)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0577:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| Found 27 tonies:
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0569:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| Content (432 of 432)
2024/02/13 18:06:32	stderr	INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.230.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.230.0
2024/02/13 18:06:31	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0089:handleCloudOTA|  >> OTA-Request for 3 with timestamp 1701777214 (2023-12-05 11:53:34)
2024/02/13 18:06:31	stderr	INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.230.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.230.0
2024/02/13 18:06:31	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0089:handleCloudOTA|  >> OTA-Request for 6 with timestamp 1534781997 (2018-08-20 16:19:57)
2024/02/13 18:06:31	stderr	INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.230.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.230.0
2024/02/13 18:06:31	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0089:handleCloudOTA|  >> OTA-Request for 2 with timestamp 1701776967 (2023-12-05 11:49:27)
2024/02/13 18:06:31	stderr	INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.230.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.230.0
2024/02/13 18:06:30	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0089:handleCloudOTA|  >> OTA-Request for 5 with timestamp 1669853893 (2022-12-01 00:18:13)
2024/02/13 18:06:30	stderr	INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.230.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.230.0
2024/02/13 18:06:29	stderr	INFO |server.c:0569:server_init| 2 open HTTPS connections
2024/02/13 18:06:29	stderr	INFO |server.c:0569:server_init| 1 open HTTPS connections
2024/02/13 18:05:48	stderr	INFO |mqtt.c:0684:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
2024/02/13 18:05:48	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0038:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
2024/02/13 18:04:47	stderr	INFO |handler_api.c:0094:queryPrepare| requested index for 'content'
2024/02/13 18:04:47	stderr	INFO |mqtt.c:0684:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
2024/02/13 18:04:47	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0038:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
2024/02/13 18:04:45	stderr	INFO |tls_adapter.c:0205:read_certificate| File '/etc/teddycloud/certs/client/private.der' detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
2024/02/13 18:04:45	stderr	INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File '/etc/teddycloud/certs/client/client.der' detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
2024/02/13 18:04:45	stderr	INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File '/etc/teddycloud/certs/client/ca.der' detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
2024/02/13 18:04:45	stderr	INFO |tls_adapter.c:0205:read_certificate| File '/etc/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-key.pem' detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
2024/02/13 18:04:45	stderr	INFO |tls_adapter.c:0208:read_certificate| File '/etc/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-cert.pem' assumed PEM style
2024/02/13 18:04:45	stderr	INFO |tls_adapter.c:0205:read_certificate| File '/etc/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-key.pem' detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
2024/02/13 18:04:45	stderr	INFO |tls_adapter.c:0208:read_certificate| File '/etc/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-root.pem' assumed PEM style
2024/02/13 18:04:45	stderr	INFO |settings.c:0659:settings_load_ovl| Load settings from /etc/teddycloud/config/config.overlay.ini
2024/02/13 18:04:45	stderr	INFO |handler_api.c:0383:handleApiSet| Setting: 'cloud.enabled' to 'false'

This looks okay, please do a freshnessCheck with the cloud enabled

befor i try this again, are this checkboxes are correct - maybe a disabled / enabled something that is needed?

Please stick to the defaults.
Disable OTA + Time

Enable the freshnessCheck

[x] done

the freshenescheck with cloud enabled:

2024/02/13 20:08:58	stderr	INFO |mqtt.c:0684:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
2024/02/13 20:08:58	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0038:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
2024/02/13 20:07:58	stderr	INFO |mqtt.c:0684:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
2024/02/13 20:07:58	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0038:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
2024/02/13 20:07:30	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0417:web_request| Connection closed
2024/02/13 20:07:30	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0225:cbrCloudServerDiscoPassthrough| >> cbrCloudServerDiscoPassthrough
2024/02/13 20:07:30	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0184:cbrCloudBodyPassthrough| Marked UID E00403501CC18067 as updated from cloud
2024/02/13 20:07:30	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0184:cbrCloudBodyPassthrough| Marked UID E00403501BDD0355 as updated from cloud
2024/02/13 20:07:30	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0360:web_request| Binary data, not dumping body
2024/02/13 20:07:30	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: x-request-id = F7OBqchrNtDgZcEGWihy
2024/02/13 20:07:30	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: cache-control = max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
2024/02/13 20:07:30	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Connection = keep-alive
2024/02/13 20:07:30	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0339:web_request| Content-Type is application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8
2024/02/13 20:07:30	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Content-Type = application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8
2024/02/13 20:07:30	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Date = Tue, 13 Feb 2024 19:07:30 GMT
2024/02/13 20:07:30	stderr	INFO |handler.c:0056:cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough| >> cbrCloudHeaderPassthrough: Server = openresty
2024/02/13 20:07:30	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0308:web_request| HTTP code: 200
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0071:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS done
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0036:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS...
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0208:web_request|   trying IP:
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0158:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE897A unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1800000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE897A unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1700000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE897A unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1600000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE897A unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1500000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8979 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1400000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8979 (2016-09-30 15:49:13)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8979 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1300000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8979 (2016-09-30 15:49:13)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8979 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1200000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8979 (2016-09-30 15:49:13)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 59F0AC95 unknown but previous content known by model box-de-de-01-00000011.
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1100000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 59F0AC95 (2017-10-25 15:24:05)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8978 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1000000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8978 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0F00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8978 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0E00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8978 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0D00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0C00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8977 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0B00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8977 (2016-09-30 15:49:11)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 595363CC unknown but previous content known by model box-de-de-01-0000000A.
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0A00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 595363CC (2017-06-28 08:07:40)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8977 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0900000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8977 (2016-09-30 15:49:11)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 59536396 unknown but previous content known by model box-de-de-01-00000008.
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0800000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 59536396 (2017-06-28 08:06:46)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 595364DC unknown but previous content known by model box-de-de-01-00000007.
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0700000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 595364DC (2017-06-28 08:12:12)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 6582F9DC unknown but previous content known by model box-en-gb-00-00000006.
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0600000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 6582F9DC (2023-12-20 14:27:40)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0500000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0400000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8975 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0300000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8975 (2016-09-30 15:49:09)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8975 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0200000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8975 (2016-09-30 15:49:09)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8975 unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0100000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8975 (2016-09-30 15:49:09)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 58DE2BEB unknown but previous content known by model box-de-de-01-00000000.
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0000000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 58DE2BEB (2017-03-31 10:14:03)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: E00403501BDD0355, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 65A838DE unknown but previous content known by model .
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: E00403501CC18067, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 65A838DE (2024-01-17 20:30:22)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0577:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| Found 27 tonies:
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0569:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| Content (432 of 432)
2024/02/13 20:07:28	stderr	INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.230.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.230.0
2024/02/13 20:07:27	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0089:handleCloudOTA|  >> OTA-Request for 3 with timestamp 1701777214 (2023-12-05 11:53:34)
2024/02/13 20:07:27	stderr	INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.230.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.230.0
2024/02/13 20:07:26	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0089:handleCloudOTA|  >> OTA-Request for 6 with timestamp 1534781997 (2018-08-20 16:19:57)
2024/02/13 20:07:26	stderr	INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.230.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.230.0
2024/02/13 20:07:26	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0089:handleCloudOTA|  >> OTA-Request for 2 with timestamp 1701776967 (2023-12-05 11:49:27)
2024/02/13 20:07:26	stderr	INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.230.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.230.0
2024/02/13 20:07:26	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0089:handleCloudOTA|  >> OTA-Request for 5 with timestamp 1669853893 (2022-12-01 00:18:13)
2024/02/13 20:07:26	stderr	INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.230.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.230.0
2024/02/13 20:07:25	stderr	INFO |server.c:0569:server_init| 3 open HTTPS connections

and placed the tonie on top again:

2024/02/13 20:10:23	stderr	INFO |server.c:0569:server_init| 2 open HTTPS connections
2024/02/13 20:09:58	stderr	INFO |mqtt.c:0684:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
2024/02/13 20:09:58	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0038:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
2024/02/13 20:09:35	stderr	ERROR|cloud_request.c:0295:web_request| Failed to read HTTP response header!
2024/02/13 20:09:33	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0071:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS done
2024/02/13 20:09:33	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0036:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS...
2024/02/13 20:09:33	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0208:web_request|   trying IP:
2024/02/13 20:09:33	stderr	INFO |cloud_request.c:0158:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
2024/02/13 20:09:33	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0476:handleCloudContent| Serve cloud content from /v2/content/6780c11c500304e0
2024/02/13 20:09:33	stderr	INFO |handler_cloud.c:0303:handleCloudContent|  >> client requested content for rUID 6780c11c500304e0, auth 01D6899C...
2024/02/13 20:09:33	stderr	INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.230.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.230.0
2024/02/13 20:09:32	stderr	INFO |server.c:0569:server_init| 3 open HTTPS connections
2024/02/13 20:09:20	stderr	INFO |server.c:0569:server_init| 2 open HTTPS connections

i do have “failed cloud requests 6” at the dashboard on top.

Are you using some sort of reverse proxy? Your box is not detected as it should and results in the skipping messages.

Which is the UID that should be updated?

And please disable OTA and time!

Teddycloud does have its one ip.
I created a macvlan and set a unique ip for the docker-image of teddycloud.

does it matter that is a cname?

Server: pi.hole
Address: fd00::11:32ff:fe22:a5xx

Name: teddycloud.local

ota and time is disabled


Which is the UID that should be updated?

Is this a uuid?
6780c11c500304e0 - at the last log-post is only the part of the request if i put the tonie on the box

this is the rUID (reverse UID)
the UID is E00403501CC18067

It seems that the box requests content for that tag and downloads it.

i do have a second tonie with same result.

i think instead of “error” der should be the download at the bottom?

INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.230.0, ESP
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0303:handleCloudContent|  >> client requested content for r
UID 5503dd1b500304e0, auth E4503BC4...                                           
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0476:handleCloudContent| Serve cloud content from /v2/conte
INFO |cloud_request.c:0158:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server tbs.cloudgate.u                                               
INFO |cloud_request.c:0208:web_request|   trying IP:              
INFO |cloud_request.c:0036:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS...    
INFO |cloud_request.c:0071:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS done  
ERROR|cloud_request.c:0295:web_request| Failed to read HTTP response header!

if i press 1 ear for 3 seconds after updating the tonie i here the “success” sound.
but the content do not change.

can i see more information why the header could not read?

You may try to increase the loglevel

:face_with_monocle: :astonished:
i changed the log to verbose and put the tonie again on the box >> it worked???

tryed with the second tonie after set it back to log-level 4
it updated the content too…

ok… thats strange but grate!

1 Like

hi again :(.

i bought a new “normal” tony - not a creative one and tryed to use it - with the “same” error.
The tonie were registred into the public cloud. as i reading the log - the content be requested at the public cloud and transfered to the teddycloud.
But the Content is not recieved by the toniebox.

Last Weekend i changed the content of a creativtony (deleted 2 Songs and reordered it) this changes are transfered correct.
So “some” communications are working some not?
I incrased the log-verbose and attach a longer logfile - maybe you / someone cloud see there something?
At the Moment the Box showing the red led - without any error-code.

The NEW Tonies are [B8B12C1C] and [3890161C]
toniebox.txt (115.7 KB)

Does a freshnessCheck marks the Tonie as updated? Did you enable caching for content?
What your configuration looks like?
What happens if you enable caching?

after ~10x try to start the tonie it is working now vor one.
if i put the other one on the box i bacome error “eule” after some blue led blinking.

I do have the default config you told me.
i tried to turn on / of caching-mode without change.

after frehenes-check i found “28 tonies” in the log - before it was “27 tonies” so the new one is recognised.
I attached a fresh log, at 20:21 the new tonie is requested so it is marked to update i think?

Code “eule” is around certificate ore dns i read, but why does it work after several times?
tonie_20_20.txt (34.5 KB)

i made a PTR-Request for - there are 2 more domains - is it possible that there are more Domains that would be asked?

I configured my local dns with this records and set teddy.extern for requests to the public cloud.
after this change it worked the first try. Maybe it was luck. At the moment i do not have a other one to test it.

Only the prod domain is needed for the cloud upstream. Rtnl is needed for the event data of the box, but for teddyCloud only. There is no need to change other domains.

I don’t know if it works, if you are manually setting the IP for the prod domain, as the original domain has multiple IPs.