Custom NFC Tag not working

Hi All
I have an understanding question about the Custom Tags theme. I bought some RFID tags, but they do not work. The box seems to be able to read the tags, at least the correct ID appears in the logs. However, I cannot assign anything to the tag (the tag is not displayed automatically) and nothing is played.
When the tag is placed on the box, it is displayed:

DEBUG|handler_rtnl.c:0478:rtnlEventLog| RTNL: 
DEBUG|handler_rtnl.c:0481:rtnlEventLog|  LOG2:
DEBUG|handler_rtnl.c:0482:rtnlEventLog|   uptime=494675
DEBUG|handler_rtnl.c:0483:rtnlEventLog|   sequence=644
DEBUG|handler_rtnl.c:0484:rtnlEventLog|   3=3
DEBUG|handler_rtnl.c:0485:rtnlEventLog|   group=15
DEBUG|handler_rtnl.c:0486:rtnlEventLog|   function=8646
DEBUG|handler_rtnl.c:0487:rtnlEventLog|   6=len(data)=8, data=DDDD8DCDE0040150, txt=����P
DEBUG|server.c:0536:httpServerRequestCallback| Stopped server request to *binary, request 1

What am I doing wrong? Is the tag simply not working because it is the wrong tag?

I don’t know what kind of tags you bought, what box you have etc.

Hi, thanks for the quick reply!
I bought these tags (Presumably they are not correct):

I have converted a CC3200 box to TeddyCloud. All Tonies work wonderfully. With the custom tag, the light stays green and nothing happens. After about 2 minutes the box light turns yellow.

What surprises me: The tag itself is recognized by the box and read correctly. If we assume that the tag is not correct, there is no way to tell the box to play the content? The custom tags are not transmitted to the manufacturer, so theoretically nothing can be blocked, can it?

Please read the manual of the Toniebox. This is a battery warning.

Only SLIX-L are compatible with unpatched boxes.
With a CC3200 you may patch the box to allow other SL* based tags. Check the documentation for possible patches.

The box is placed on the charger and if a normal Tonie is placed on the box, it plays without any problems and without the yellow light. :thinking:
Thanks for pointing out the patches… I’ll take another look at it.

Not all declared SLIX-L NFCs are such. NFCs from RFIDfriend and electricky are recommended. Try one of these - just to be on the safe side. Maybe yours or one of them have a problem.

It now works with the patches and the correct firmware from the backup. The tags therefore work.

But one thing is totally strange:
When I set up the tag for the first time, a folder is created under /teddycloud/content/default/ with the correct ID of the tag. However, two json files are created in the folder. One file is 500104E0.json and the other is FFFFFFFF.json. In TaddyCloud FFFFFFFF is displayed and when I assign a content, it is not recognized… if I delete the file FFFFFFFF.json in the folder, everything works normally.
Is the error known?

The behavior of the tags is really very strange. Apparently two IDs are output or the box also reads the ID FFFFFFFF for a short moment. Thus the FFFFFFFF.json is created again and again.

To ensure that the correct 500104E0.json is loaded, I have patched this file teddycloud/src/handler_api.c at master · toniebox-reverse-engineering/teddycloud · GitHub.

/* Skip FFFFFFFF.json */
if (osStrcmp(, "FFFFFFFF.json") == 0) {

It is not a clean solution because the file FFFFFFFF.json is still created, so something would have to be changed elsewhere. However, everything currently works as it should and the tags are displayed correctly in the overview. As soon as it looks a little better for me in terms of time, I’ll try to avoid creating the FFFFFFFF.json (if anyone needs it or is interested :grin:)

This is no error of teddyCloud. Maybe your tags behave weird.

This is certainly due to the tags. I’m surprised that they work at all. But it’s nice that even bad tags can be made to work with small adjustments to the TeddyCloud.

Thanks for the good work and the amazingly clean code!

I use these tags exclusively for my custom coins (probably made like 60 of them) and never had the issue with FFFFFFFF files being created, so that is weird.

Just updated teddycloud and tried with a fresh tag and it is read correctly without the FF file.

Might be some weird configuration bug, maybe?
These are the patches that I activated on my boxes:
“patches”: [“altCa.305”, “”, “blockCheck.310”, “uidCheck.307”, “noPass3.310”, “noPrivacy.310”]

I am still new to this topic and have certainly not done everything right. I have activated these patches

[“altCa.305”, “altUrl.custom.305”, “blockCheck.310”, “noPass3.310”, “uidCheck.307”]

Since I don’t have an extension for the SD card and don’t want to short-circuit anything, the easier way for me was to patch teddyCloud.

error_t save_content_json(const char *json_path, contentJson_t *content_json)
    /* Don't create file for FFFFFFFF */
    if (osStrstr(json_path, “FFFFFFFF.json”) != NULL) {

The files are no longer created and the tags work normally.

Is the order of the patches important? I assumed that the patches change something in memory and therefore the order is not important.

No, the order shouldn’t really matter and they should be good.
Maybe they changed something in your batch of nfc tags or maybe there’s an issue with your toniebox hardware somewhere, but as long as you can patch it out, it doesn’t seem to be a huge problem, I guess.