Flashed Toniebox not working

I am afraid I have bricked my ESP32 Box. After flashing the patched version to the Toniebox, it got stuck in a boot loop, whenever I connected the battery pack. So it is playing the startup sound and the green light shows up, but then the light goes off for a brief moment and the startup sound plays again. permanently. According to the Teddycloud server the flashing and patching was fine. Then i tried the original image I stored on my harddrive and flashed it unpatched. But now there is no light or sound at all. When I patch the original file again and send it to the Toniebox, it does the startup loop again. Does anyone have an idea? Can you help me?

What hardware did you use for flashing? Do you have some photos of your setup?
You used teddyCloud for the flashing?

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Hi, I used a FT232RL FTDI Mini USB to TTL adapter I bought from eBay on a USB 2 Port on a Windows 11 machine.
I have used the Teddiebox web interface to download, patch and upload the image.
On the way back to return to the original image I used the web interface again with ‘Datei laden’ then at the point where you can patch the image I selected to go to the next step and flashed the image back.
Tried it several times now. One time from a mac, hoping this is an issue with windows.
But it acts every time the same. Unpatched image - no lights on toniebox, no reaction to the buttons. Patched image - boot loop.

Here is a part of the log file from Teddycloud where I extracted the image from the Toniebox, not sure if this helps (name of the bin file and wifi data have been replaced):

2025-01-06 11:42:56 INFO |server.c:0929:server_init| 3 open HTTPS Web connections
2025-01-06 11:45:28 INFO |handler_api.c:1117:file_save_start_suffix| Writing to '/teddycloud/data/firmware/ESP32_1234567890a0.bin'
2025-01-06 11:45:31 INFO |server_helpers.c:0484:multipart_handle| Received file 'ESP32_1234567890a0'
2025-01-06 11:45:31 INFO |handler_api.c:1180:handleApiESP32UploadFirmware| Received new file:
2025-01-06 11:45:31 INFO |handler_api.c:1181:handleApiESP32UploadFirmware|   '/teddycloud/data/firmware/ESP32_1234567890a0.bin'
2025-01-06 11:46:50 INFO |server.c:0929:server_init| 1 open HTTPS Web connections
2025-01-06 11:47:03 INFO |handler_api.c:1354:handleApiESP32PatchFirmware| Patch firmware
2025-01-06 11:47:03 INFO |handler_api.c:1375:handleApiESP32PatchFirmware| Patch hostnames ''
2025-01-06 11:47:03 INFO |handler_api.c:1380:handleApiESP32PatchFirmware| wifi ssid 'Internet'
2025-01-06 11:47:03 INFO |handler_api.c:1385:handleApiESP32PatchFirmware| wifi pass 'Pass1234567890'
2025-01-06 11:47:03 INFO |handler_api.c:1400:handleApiESP32PatchFirmware| Request for '/teddycloud/data/firmware/ESP32_1234567890a0.bin'
2025-01-06 11:47:03 INFO |esp32.c:1737:esp32_inject_ca| Writing CA into '/teddycloud/data/firmware/cert_1234567890a0//ca.der'
2025-01-06 11:47:03 INFO |esp32.c:1754:esp32_inject_ca| Convert CA certificate...
2025-01-06 11:47:03 INFO |esp32.c:1792:esp32_inject_ca| Injecting CA into '/teddycloud/data/firmware/patched_1234567890a0.bin'vs_del|       Found NVS entry TB_WIFI.SSID0, deleting