How to calculate TAF Hash value and Audio-Size manualy

I want to add a missing Tonie to GitHub - toniebox-reverse-engineering/tonies-json: Database of (all) Tonies and its metadata to identify it repo.

Usually i extracted the data (audio-id, hash) from old webif. Since 0.6.0 the old webif is gone, and new-web does not provide the hash value.

i opened a defect in web repo:
TAF 'Hash' and 'Audio-Size' is missing in new-web · Issue #106 · toniebox-reverse-engineering/teddycloud_web · GitHub

Info from @henrik86: Already implemented → it’s available in content and library. just double click on a row of a taf file.

@0xbadbee can you tell me, how to calculate hash manually? seems not tho be a md5 or sha1 hash from the complete taf…

ok, is the sha1sum of audio-data, which is TAF without first 4k block. i could calcualte is in bash using this command:

dd if=1709830183.taf bs=4096 skip=1 status=none | sha1sum

Audio-Size can be calculated with this command:

admin@PLUTO:/data/$ dd if=1711463107.taf of=/tmp/test.ogg bs=4096 skip=1 status=none
admin@PLUTO:/data/$ stat -c%s /tmp/test.ogg