How to delete the Cert files from Teddycloud

Hi I installed on my Tonibox CC3200 Teddycloud incl. Certificates. I have allready a Tonibox running with ESP32.
The CC3200 is glowing green plays the files from the box, but I cannot see the Tonibox.

Now I found the recommendation to delete the server certs, but I don’t know how.
When I look in the teddycloud under Certificates. I dont see them.

Any suggestions?

I don’t think deleting the server certs will help, as it is already working for your ESP32.

Please check the logs, what is happening, when you do a freshnessCheck etc?

AFter freshness (press small ear for 5s, correct?)

WARN |cloud_request.c:0097:httpClientTlsInitCallbackClientAuthTonies| Missing certificates for overlay 34B7DA4CD228, fallback to global certificates

WARN |cloud_request.c:0104:httpClientTlsInitCallbackClientAuthTonies|  client.der (certs/client/34b7da4cd228/client.der) missing

WARN |cloud_request.c:0108:httpClientTlsInitCallbackClientAuthTonies|  private.der (certs/client/34b7da4cd228/private.der) missing

ERROR|cloud_request.c:0123:httpClientTlsInitCallbackClientAuthTonies| Failed to get certificates:

ERROR|cloud_request.c:0130:httpClientTlsInitCallbackClientAuthTonies|  client.der (certs/client/client.der) missing

ERROR|cloud_request.c:0134:httpClientTlsInitCallbackClientAuthTonies|  private.der (certs/client/private.der) missing

ERROR|cloud_request.c:0262:web_request| Failed to connect to HTTP server! HTTP=Unknown HTTP Status Code error=Generic error code [1]

INFO |handler_api.c:2375:handleApiTonieboxJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonieboxes.json with size 3022

INFO |handler_api.c:2375:handleApiTonieboxJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonieboxes.json with size 3022

INFO |server.c:0961:server_init| 1 open HTTPS API connections