How to update teddyCloud without losing data

i am very interested in updating my TeddyCloud Container from version 0.5.2 to 0.6.2. Can you please explain how exactly i can do this without losing data. For me it’s not a every days busines. I can use nano to change any file, but i do not know where i can find the docker compose. Sorry for asking so stupid questions.

Do i have to use portainer, putty, git hub etc.? I hope you can explain it to a newbe like me.
Version 0.6.2 locks fantastic. So much thanks to all who worked on.

Best Regards Markus

Hi, depends on your setting. Any more details? Which hardware? Are you using portainer?

In general you just have to pull the latest image and then restart the container.

In case of plain docker use, open commandline, switch to the folder where your docker-compose.json is located. Then enter

docker compose pull

And then

Docker compose up -d

Then you should have 0.6.2 running and all settings unchanged.


First of all, I got it right. There were a few stumbling blocks along the way, but I made it.

I use a Raspberry Pi 4, which runs Docker and Portainer. I used Portainer to find out where my docker-compose.yaml file is located. Namely in /home/Markus/docker-compose.yaml

I also added the new port 8443 via nano to docker-compose.yaml, as described in another post of yours.

Using your commands, I was able to update TeddyCloud to the new version. I had to be careful with the capitalization, but I figured it out myself. Unfortunately, I lost the permanently assigned IP address for the container, but I was able to fix that quickly in Portainer.

Thanks also for your post, How to Create a Good Support Request. I will use it as a guide for my next question.

Thanks for your efforts.

If you are using portainer I would assume portainer provides something in its gui to do a update of a hosted docker container? I would search the portainer help for that.

If you don’t use portainer and use the provided docker compose file from teddycloud there will be no change of the ip.

But in the end good that you was able to update teddycloud and fix the occurred problems yourself :slight_smile:

I mentioned this in the FAQ of my Newbie guide:

:speech_balloon: How can I update my teddcloud instance?

In Portainer, select “Images” from the menu, choose your teddycloud image and push the “pull from registry” button.

Furthermore, the advantage of Portainer is that you can manage almost your entire Docker environment from the Browser/GUI, so no need to edit yaml files manually or using the command line anymore. Portainer has Stacks which is the equivalent of docker-compose. In the Stacks editor, you can insert the whole docker-compose.yaml and you can edit/change it there anytime.

Here‘s a nice HowTo for Stacks, including a video.

Hi @marco79cgn

Thanks for your guide and the explanation of updating Teddycloud via portainer.

I also have a working teddycloud Server, but i couldnt update the instance with this explanation.

After following your manual step by step (In Portainer, select “Images” from the menu, choose your teddycloud image and push the “pull from registry” button.) i have now two teddycloud images in portainer, but the instance is still 0.62.

And there is only one Stack in Portainer:

What did i do wrong? I made the teddycloud exactly following the explanation in the mydealz Youtube Video.

Hope you can help me!!!

Hi @Tomie ,
what worked for me was

  1. I clicked on “Stacks”
  2. In the “Stacks list” I clicked on my “teddycloud Stack”
  3. In “Stack Details” I clicked on “Editor”
  4. I made sure my config mentions “image:
  5. Then I clicked on “Update the stack”

This pulled the latest image and restarted my teddycloud stack which is now running 0.63.

Hello Housejet!

Many thanks for your answer and explanation! It worked great!!!

Now im also on 0.63!

Hello everyone,

after it unfortunately did not work for me via Portainer, I would like to show you my way from 0.6.2 to 0.6.3.

Log in to Raspberry Pi via putty, then execute these two commands one after the other:

docker compose pull teddycloud

docker compose up -d teddycloud

And finally, set the fixed IP address again (I had previously followed these instructions: This means that I already had a permanently assigned IP address for the container before the update.

Switch to Portainer…


Stop container
at the bottom: Select a network
Join network
Start container

I hope to help some of you with this. Many thanks to TEAM RevvoX

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