Is it possible to implement a "sleep timer" (stop playback after X minutes) in TeddyCloud/firmware/HAss?

I am not sure where to create this topic, but I guess that it is something connected to TeddyCloud. Please forgive me and feel free to move it if that is not where it belongs.

I searched for ‘sleep timer’ and found a log file that contains these words but I did not find any information on the subject.

I would like to use my patched Toniebox (ESP32) with TeddyCloud for audio books with several hours of playtime – but I do not sleep well when listening to audio content all night long.

On my phone I can set a sleeptimer for 90 minutes - but is it possible to do that with TeddyCloud or a custom firmware patch? If not possible at this moment, would it technically be possible in some distant future (not asking for any promises)?

Thank you for the amazing work and even more so for making it public!

no, this is not possible. you can not control the toniebox from remote.