Hi, I have some Questions about the usabillity. Default Limit Speaker Volume in Settings is set to 3. in each Toniebox I can oberwrite this value. The value from boxine has no impact, correct? So it would be really helpgull to set the volume over mqtt. This would be great. Another thing is, how to set the volume on a trip. Or can I change the firmware simply for a trip and bring the custom firmware back after it?
If you tick on overwrite, the boxine value will be ignored.
MQTT currently doesn’t support overlay configuration. If you need this, feel free to open an issue on github.
You cannot change the values without teddyCloud/Boxine.
If you tick on overwrite, the boxine value will be ignored.
Then I have a bug. I had the toniebox in a different household as it was flashed and added to teddycloud. Then I moved to the new household and it seems, that the settings from boxine cannot be loaded. I don’t know how to explain it I hope you understand what I mean. Can I delete the box from teddycloud and it comes back after it connects again with teddycloud, may this help?
Okay, I tried to remove the Toniebox, but get an error: “Löschvorgang fehlgeschlagen:”
The Box itself says codeword Eule, when I try to change the settings… In the certs/clients/MAC are no files
Okay, I can only change volume in the toniebox settingsa itself inside teddycloud and onkly if Override cloud settings is active. It doesnt work when I set it to false or when I remove the overwrite values and change the volume in the teddycloud settings
The certs are in certs/clients when it is only one toniebox. Found them. I also extracted them in the folder with the mac address. I also deleted the server certs, restarted teddycloud, generated new ones, tried to flash the firmware again with the new certs, but the result is the same. When I try to remove the overwrite, I get the error Eule (owl)