Hey everyone,
I’ve lost my original firmware, but I want to reset my Toniebox. Is there any way to download and flash another firmware or is my Toniebox lost for forever?
Thanks for your help.
Hey everyone,
I’ve lost my original firmware, but I want to reset my Toniebox. Is there any way to download and flash another firmware or is my Toniebox lost for forever?
Thanks for your help.
What do you mean by “firmware”? What you have lost? Why do you think you lost something?
I just downloaded the flashed firmware from Teddycloud. But I would like to reset my Toniebox to the origin firmware, cause I have to connect the box to the Tonie-App again.
You didn’t change the firmware. You just changed the CA and maybe the hostnames.
Why didn’t you save the original firmware file? This is clearly stated in the installation process?!
You can easily download the original CA via the script by marco you already have.
Then you can use the legacy method to write that CA back to the image of your box.
If you have changed the hostnames, you’ll have to reverse patch them using the CLI.
Yeah I know this is a mistake, but i’ve watched a videotutorial and a backup of the origin firmware/certifikates wasn’t part of it.
So for my comprehention: i need to download the three certifikates flash:/cert/ca.der (Boxine CA), flash:/cert/client.der (Client CA) and flash:/cert/private.der (Client-Privatekey) from the TeddyCloud-Server and add them via ESPtool in my flashed firmware?
If you are talking about the mydealz video, there the backup is saved to disk there. Also don’t just blindly follow video tutorials. Things can change!
I only talked about the CA, nothing else. The CA can be downloaded with a script from Boxine directly. And this, and only this needs to be replaced in your firmware. If you are deleting / overwriting the client.der / private.der you are in trouble.
And no, you can’t add them with esptool. It is only there to upload / download the firmware. You’ll have to use teddyCloud using the legacy way. There just use your downloaded CA instead of the one of teddyCloud.
Yes I used the script and Teddycloud ist connected to Boxine. But my Toniebox isn’t connected to the Teddycloud.
And I deleted the Toniebox in my Tonie-App, because I wanted to do a factory reset. Turned out, it didn’t worked . So I want to connect the Box to the App again. For that i need to have the CA on my Box and not only in Teddycloud, correct?
I tried to connect the Toniebox without the app with this guide: https://support.tonies.com/hc/en-us/articles/4415294030482-How-do-I-set-up-a-Wi-Fi-connection-without-the-setup-assistant. The Toniebox successfully connect to my WLAN, but Teddycloud can’t find my box.
I’ve executed following command at esptool:
esptool -b 921600 read_flash 0x0 0x800000 tb.esp32.bin
and it says following:
A fatal error occurred: Corrupt data, expected 0x1000 bytes but received 0xf7d bytes
lower the baudrate and retry
thx that worked!
how can i edit the bin in windows? the command:
teddycloud --esp32-inject tb.esp32.fakeca.bin --source certs/client/esp32-fakeca
does not work, I know