New RFIDfriend Tags in Coin holder

I followed the Idea from Gambius to buy coin holders and inserted a magnet and a TAG from RFIDfriend. But I noticed, the TAGs have a new design. When I put a magnet in the center, the TAG does not work anymore, or only when the TAG is not placed in the center of the Toniebox.

Is this from the new design of the TAGs, where the center of the TAG is not empty anymore?

The tags actually also work if they are centered on the box, but the tag must be on the upper side of the capsule.

Well, not shure what is different in my Case. For me its like this:

Without the Magnet the Tag works flawless. (the Tag is always on the upper site) only if i press it down hard, it stops working.

With the magnet, the TAG does nod work in the cernter anymore. Only if i put 2 Layers of between it works again. one Layer is not enough.

Its not so important for my, as the TAGs work fine without a Magnet, but still interesting.

The Tags RFIDfriend is selling at the moment have a diameter of 38mm. These have a larger Antenna in comparrisson to the 30mm tags. This way the magnet is not influencing the signal pathway and the tags are readable by the Toniebox although the coincase has a magnet playced inside and is palced directly in the middle of the Box.

You can find his tags at

I figured that if I put the magnet on the edge of the case it works fine mith the RFIDfried Tags i got. (30 mm) only if its placed in the center it blocks the signal from the antenna too much.

But if there was a saller who sold Tags like robert posted, that would be cool. With these you can just drill a small hole and put the Tag in much smaller Figures: