No luck with cc3200tool

Hello all.

I have no luck in using the cc3200 tool. First of all I have a box with cc3200 chip and an FT232RL UART.

There is no problem in seeing the debug info from the stock firmware:

CC3200 bootloader v1472818501 (09c6374) build: Fri Sep 2 14:15:01 CEST 2016 dl:1.2.0 sl: hw:tb-smt-16:3:24

But as soon as I pull up the SOP2 and trying to connect through the cc3200tool, I wont see anything else than a timeout. The box is booting as expected (green light, no sound):

(venv) root@testing:/usr/src/venv# cc3200tool -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --reset dtr read_all_files ExtractedFromBox/
2025-03-14 13:26:51,886 – Connecting to target…
2025-03-14 13:26:54,243 – timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-14 13:26:56,499 – timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-14 13:26:58,759 – timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-14 13:27:01,019 – timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-14 13:27:03,275 – timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-14 13:27:03,275 – Could not connect to target: Did not get ACK on break condition
(venv) root@testing:/usr/src/venv#

If I do not connect SOP2 to anything, I see at least the cc3200tool is able to detect the debug output, but of course it cannot continue.

(venv) root@testing:/usr/src/venv# cc3200tool -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --reset dtr read_all_files ExtractedFromBox/
2025-03-14 13:46:30,255 – Connecting to target…
2025-03-14 13:46:35,348 – Connected, reading version…
2025-03-14 13:46:53,188 – timed out while waiting for ack
2025-03-14 13:46:53,189 – Could not connect to target: No ack for packet opcode=0x2f
(venv) root@testing:/usr/src/venv#

What am I doing wrong? What can I do? Does anybody has a clue for me?


How should we know? You didn’t post your wiring or other details.

I followed the instrucions supplied with Teddycloud.


Which kind of wrong wiring could be leading to such a behaviour? As I wrote, TX/RX works with the Debug from orig. Bootloader. Beside this I also wrote, SOP2 is connected to VCC, what else beside this is necessary? At least nothing more mentioned in the guide.

Please describe your wiring between the board and the ftdi. If you use a connector-cable you have to proof the right order of the pins.

Hi there, i am new and i have the issue. Is there any help out there? thanks in advanced.

Please check the connector. I have a cable, there is 1,3,4,7,9 on one side and 2,4,6,8,10 on the other side.

Thanks for your reply.
I Double Check the Wireing and also tried with thin wires Directly attached to the Board. Still the Same Issue.

Did you have and other help for me?
Can you agree, the following pinout?

Starting from the left corner:

1 tx
2 rx
4 rst → dtr
5 ground
3 + 9 Bridge direkty on the Board

LED was solid Green.

Thanks in Advanced
Best regards