OOTB Files on SD Card

I received one of the DOA Tonieboxes. It wouldn’t make a sound, and never completed setup. After dismantling it, I found out the SD Card was defective.

So, I bought a new SD Card and plugged it in. Now it successfully goes through setup, and makes some sounds, but nothing like it’s supposed to. It’s still not working properly.

I’m assuming there are some files on the SD Card out-of-the-box (OOTB). Every thread I’ve seen says to backup/restore from your old SD Card to the new one. But, that’s not an option, since I never had a working one in the first place.

Anyone have some information on what’s on the SD Card from the factory?

The startup sounds and error messages. But if you reset the box to factory and set it up once, those should be downloaded automatically / extracted from flash by the box itself (sfx.bin).

Ok, I did the “plugged in upside down factory reset” and while it’s in my account and on the network, Tonies won’t play on it.

I checked the SD card, and there’s now a “content” folder with two folders under it, 00000000, and 00000002.

I think I’m still missing something. I just ordered a FT232RL Mini USB to TTL Serial Converter Adapter so I can connect directly. Hopefully that gives me more insights, unless anyone has any more ideas.

Thanks all!

OK, latest update. As seems to be par for the course with these things, keep trying and eventually it will take. On my third hard factory reset, I got all the sounds and messages, and now everything is working.

I guess it just had to repair itself in increments.