after flashing HackieboxNG 0.9.3c (debug) I get the following boot log:
INFO main.c:777:main: HackieboxNG preloader debug 0.9.3 b14eb68
INFO main.c:789:main: Wakeup by cause 7
DEBUG main.c:797:main: Mounting sd card...
TRACE helper.c:49:SdFileExists: sd:/revvox/boot/ngbootloader.bin exists.
DEBUG main.c:850:main: Open sd:/revvox/boot/ngbootloader.bin ...
DEBUG main.c:854:main: Read sd:/revvox/boot/ngbootloader.bin ...
DEBUG main.c:858:main: Read 36095 bytes
INFO main.c:629:prepareRun: SHA256 hash=06c54cac0c61cd6fba21ab94c76969198ce41c25b10f105edc7ce60e537cd6b6
DEBUG main.c:342:BoardDeinitCustom: Prepare board deinitialization...
INFO main.c:758:prepareRun: Start firmware sd:/revvox/boot/ngbootloader.bin ...
INFO main.c:777:main: HackieboxNG bootloader debug 0.9.3 b14eb68
INFO main.c:789:main: Wakeup by cause 7
TRACE config.c:193:Config_InitImageInfos: Initialize ImageInfos
DEBUG main.c:797:main: Mounting sd card...
TRACE config.c:222:Config_ReadJsonCfg: Reading config with 2198b in size.
TRACE helper.c:60:FlashFileExists: flash:/sys/pre-img.bin exists.
INFO main.c:406:ReadBootInfo: Read bootinfo firmware=1, state=0xabcddcba
WARN helper.c:52:SdFileExists: sd:/revvox/boot/ng-ofw3.bin doesn't exist.
WARN helper.c:52:SdFileExists: sd:/revvox/boot/ng-cfw1.bin doesn't exist.
WARN helper.c:52:SdFileExists: sd:/revvox/boot/ng-cfw2.bin doesn't exist.
WARN helper.c:52:SdFileExists: sd:/revvox/boot/ng-cfw3.bin doesn't exist.
WARN helper.c:52:SdFileExists: sd:/revvox/boot/ng-add1.bin doesn't exist.
WARN helper.c:52:SdFileExists: sd:/revvox/boot/ng-add2.bin doesn't exist.
WARN helper.c:52:SdFileExists: sd:/revvox/boot/ng-add3.bin doesn't exist.
DEBUG main.c:807:main: Battery level is 11998, poweroff at 8869
DEBUG main.c:825:main: Open flash:/sys/pre-img.bin ...
DEBUG main.c:832:main: Read 20480 bytes
DEBUG main.c:342:BoardDeinitCustom: Prepare board deinitialization...
INFO main.c:755:prepareRun: Start firmware flash:/sys/pre-img.bin ...
---:--:--.--- BSP Unknown newer hw platform (57592), last known is (16)
CC3200 bootloader v4287950848-DEBUG (M���
0uild: dl:243.90.129 sl: hw:tb-smt-57592:253:141 sw:UNKNOWN img_ix:4
loaded battery critical level = 260866
battery_level = 4411
battery too low
---:--:--.--- BSP Entered hibernate
The battery was charging for more than 5 hours. HackieboxNG reports a different battery level than the original bootloader, and the battery critical level seems to be way off. Do you have any idea what went wrong here?