Podcast Tonie with auto update

:small_orange_diamond: Idea :small_orange_diamond:

A Tonie figurine (or NFC Tag) which always plays the latest episode of a podcast. The content should update automatically as soon as a new episode is available.

:small_orange_diamond: Possible solution :small_orange_diamond:

A cron job which runs a small shell script (every few hours). It checks if a new podcast episode is available on the official RSS feed. If so, it overwrites the content filepath of a tap (which I assigned to a Tonie) and deletes the previously cached taf file in the Teddycloud library.

The base bus.tap in my library is very basic and looks like this:

  "type": "tap",
  "filepath": "lib://by/tapID/bitsundso.taf",
  "name": "Bits und so",
  "files": [
      "filepath": "https://media2.bitsundso.de/bits/2024/bits-2024-12-01-926.mp3",
      "name": "Bits und so Podcast"

Now here’s the shell script which only needs jq as a dependency (besides default Linux Gnu Tools like curl, grep, sed, cat):


# teddyCloud library path

# podcast feed url

# get latest episode mp3
latest=$(curl -s "$podcast_feed" | sed -n 's/.*url="\([^"]*\).*/\1/p' | head -1)

# get current tap episode mp3
current=$(cat $lib_dir/bus.tap | jq -r '.files[0].filepath')

# check if new episode exists
if [[ -n "$latest" && "$latest" != "$current"  ]]; then
    # change tap mp3 filepath in-file
    contents=$(jq ".files[0].filepath = \"$latest\"" $lib_dir/bus.tap) && \
    echo -E "${contents}" > $lib_dir/bus.tap
    # delete cached taf with former episode
    rm "$lib_dir/by/tapID/bitsundso.taf"

Important: make script executable (chmod +x bus-updater.sh) and execute as sudo.

For a cronjob which runs every 6 hours (adapt the script path):

sudo crontab -e
0 */6 * * * /bin/bash /home/pi/scripts/bus-updater.sh &>/dev/null &
1 Like

Good job. Thanks for sharing.

I already once started developing a new file format (similar to TAP files) to manage podcast rss feeds directly (since they’re simple xml files), but ran out of time in my vacation.
Then TAPs were “released” and ever since then I’m waiting for them to be finalized before taking up the podcast thing again.

This might serve as a good interim solution until then.