Problems of a noob -> Questions on Content management and Connection


First of all a big thanks to you for this amazing work and tool. :slight_smile: I really like to play with it. :slight_smile:

I was able to set up a Server with Docker running (first time :slight_smile: ; base is Proxmox with a Docker running on it) and managed to install teddy cloud. all up and running.
So i’m quite new to the whole topic, so please be gentle with me. :slight_smile:

Also i was able to flash the toniebox (ESP32) and the box is connecting to teddy cloud.

Till this point everything is working so far so good.

My questions:
I can see the content folders from the box in teddy cloud. But I only see the 500304E0.json file in there, nothing more. (So same .json file in all folders) Is this correct?

also when connecting the Box I got the following Messages:

INFO |mqtt.c:0698:mqtt_init_box| Registered new box 'teddyCloud Box <-MAC->' (cn: '<-MAC->')
INFO |mqtt.c:0699:mqtt_init_box| Using base path 'teddyCloud/box/<-MAC->'' and id 'teddyCloud_Box_<-MAC->'
src/handler_rtnl.c:153:67: runtime error: left shift of 255 by 24 places cannot be represented in type 'int'
INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.229.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.229.0
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0089:handleCloudOTA|  >> OTA-Request for 5 with timestamp 1669853893 (2022-12-01 00:18:13)
INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.229.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.229.0
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0089:handleCloudOTA|  >> OTA-Request for 2 with timestamp 1701776967 (2023-12-05 11:49:27)
INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.229.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.229.0
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0089:handleCloudOTA|  >> OTA-Request for 6 with timestamp 1534781997 (2018-08-20 16:19:57)
INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.229.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.229.0
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0089:handleCloudOTA|  >> OTA-Request for 3 with timestamp 1691743093 (2023-08-11 08:38:13)
INFO |server.c:0248:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.229.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.229.0
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0569:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| Content (496 of 496)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0577:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| Found 31 tonies:
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: E004035015BB61BB, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 5F9028D4 (2020-10-21 12:25:56)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 5F9028D4 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: E0040350182913D5, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 620CD73B (2022-02-16 10:51:39)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 620CD73B unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: E00403501CDE4226, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 64D4A63A (2023-08-10 08:56:26)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 64D4A63A unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: E004035016089235, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 60C71C86 (2021-06-14 09:08:22)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 60C71C86 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: E00403501506089F, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 60C9E70D (2021-06-16 11:57:01)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 60C9E70D unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: E00403501CED2008, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 00000001 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0000000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 58DE2BEB (2017-03-31 10:14:03)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 58DE2BEB unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0100000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8975 (2016-09-30 15:49:09)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8975 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0200000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8975 (2016-09-30 15:49:09)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8975 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0300000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8975 (2016-09-30 15:49:09)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8975 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0400000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 00000001 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0500000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 00000001 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0600000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 6582F9DC (2023-12-20 14:27:40)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 6582F9DC unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0700000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 595364DC (2017-06-28 08:12:12)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 595364DC unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0800000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 59536396 (2017-06-28 08:06:46)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 59536396 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0900000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8977 (2016-09-30 15:49:11)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8977 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0A00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 595363CC (2017-06-28 08:07:40)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 595363CC unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0B00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8977 (2016-09-30 15:49:11)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8977 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0C00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 00000001 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0D00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8978 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0E00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8978 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0F00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8978 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1000000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8978 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1100000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 59F0AC95 (2017-10-25 15:24:05)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 59F0AC95 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1200000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8979 (2016-09-30 15:49:13)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8979 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1300000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8979 (2016-09-30 15:49:13)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8979 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1400000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8979 (2016-09-30 15:49:13)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE8979 unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1500000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE897A unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1600000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE897A unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1700000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE897A unknown but previous content known by model .
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0637:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1800000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
WARN |contentJson.c:0275:content_json_update_model| Audio-id 57EE897A unknown but previous content known by model .

the thing is, I only have 6 Tonies, no idea why there are 31 mentioned.

Uploading content to the teddy cloud seems to have a problem for me. If I use the audio encoder it’s just creating a file without any ending.

So already thanks for reading this and also for helping me!

The list contains all tonies that where on the box in the past + all system sounds.

The audio file (TAF) needs to be placed right there, with the same name as the json, but without the .json extension. So in your case just 500304E0.

You didn’t enter a filename.

As alternative you may use teddyBench on your content folder for management. (Until we included the management feature into teddyCloud)

Thanks for your fast answer! this already helped a lot to get a better understanding.

the Box is new (2 days old), I only got 5 Tonies from my local library and the creative one which was in the box as well (not used, only default content on it). So I’m a bit “shocked” that there were some other ones on it.

But in all folders the same name for the audio files? that was the thing which confused me.

To understand this correctly, I already thought, that I can manage the content with the cloud, when I Upload files there and create folders. so that new tags will work with them. is this an misunderstanding or what did you mean with the integration into the teddy cloud?

The folder name is different for each tag, the filename is usually the same.
The file and folder names correspond to tags reversed UID.

With teddyBench you can manage the content folder with a content and UID based view.
With teddyCloud you have to understand the file and folder structure and can just generate TAF files.

I would suggest you to enable the cloud and the content caching and change a creative tonie of yours with the boxine cloud. Then the content will be downloaded by teddyCloud to the corresponding file/folder as soon as the content gets downloaded by the box

OK, thanks for this support and helping me to understand everything!

Got it, thanks. :slight_smile: The TAF file is the same as the one created in TeddyBench or?

Done it, worked and it is shown in the cloud (without name but OK to understand how its working)

but I have another question for my understanding:

Pressed: ear-big
Raw2 | #305 Uptime: 360060 Func:  3-19117 Payload: '990E0000' ASCII: '....'
Raw2 | #306 Uptime: 419069 Func: 27-15524 Payload: '963C0000F4FFFFFF09000000' ASCII: '.<..........'
Raw3 | Datetime: 419 Unknown: 2
Pressed: ear-small
Raw2 | #307 Uptime: 420638 Func: 27-15524 Payload: '963C0000F1FFFFFF08000000' ASCII: '.<..........'
Raw3 | Datetime: 420 Unknown: 2
Pressed: ear-small-double

why are the “information Messenges” not blocked? did I missed something in the settings? or did I just misunderstand the Statistics? I only want to download content from the original cloud but don’t want to send them any interaction with the device.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-30 um 18.25.12

The RTNL messages you posted are never forwarded to boxine.
They are not counted in the statistics.

Yes that’s right.

This only works for original content tonies with the original content, we already got in our list. Creative Tonies can only be detected if they have no content, as the figurine is selected by its audio id in the audio file. You may extract the article number from the tonies.json and put it into the model field of the corresponding content json of your tag.

yes that’s clear. My comment was not meant to be that this is an issue. more or less I wanted to point out that is was harder for me to understand / see instead of a “normal” tone.

not sure if I understand what you want to point out. Did you mean the picture of the tonic?

also not sure what you want to advice here. but I currently don’t have any working tags, so I’ll have to wait until I got some and can test it / play with it.

The picture and the title of it.

This way, you can add the picture/title for a creative tonie TAF that has no picture.