Reading Flash not possible

I’m trying to read the Toniebox Flash (v4 ESP32) via the web interface.
But it fails between 60-80%.
I used TeddyCloud v0.5.6 and the current Develop (621a445).
Reading it directly with esptool also fails.

What else can I try or check?

VG Demo

Be sure you have a good connection. Especially ground. You may try to reduce the baudrate.
Using a different USB port or computer may also help.

And try the new web interface :slight_smile:

So after several days of investigating, i finally got it!
(Long Story Short): The Problem was my Mac (MBA M1 with macOS 15 beta). I tried the flashing procedure with a friends Windows Laptop - and it worked flawless.

Finally i welded proper cables between the Box and Interface. Even that didn’t help (the fix was using an windows machine). So i assume the connection was already good enough.

I tried both, and changed the versions several times.
Actually i am using the developer-docker with the new interface on my unraid-server.