- Stabilization backend
- Changed default for setting cloud.prioCustomContent to false
- Disabled prioCustomContent if lower audio id is allowed
- Added reload tonies(.custom).json api Feature: API for Refresh tonies.json/tonies.custom.json in memory · Issue #177 · toniebox-reverse-engineering/teddycloud · GitHub
- Added moveFile api Managing taf files by AudioID · Issue #198 · toniebox-reverse-engineering/teddycloud · GitHub
- Added server side taf file encoding
- Support TAF files in taps and server side taf file encoding
- Added API to extract certificates ESP32 Webflasher: Auto extract certificates · Issue #103 · toniebox-reverse-engineering/teddycloud · GitHub
- Initial cert generation generates now a 4096bit long cert tc-0.3.5 creates certificates with 2048bit key length · Issue #138 · toniebox-reverse-engineering/teddycloud · GitHub
- Extended settings api
- Fixed some bugs
- gui: Fixed bug storing source with html special chars
- gui: Fixed bug saving model and source of a tonie/tag at once
- gui: Fixed display bug sourceInfo with unknown content
- gui: Integrated new reload tonies.json api
- gui: Added Moving and renaming of files in library and content
- gui: Fixing security weaknesses
- gui: Added file upload to library
- gui: If setting “Category frontend: Split content / model” is disabled, don’t show the source info in Tonies list and details modal
- gui: Added encoding functionality in library
- gui: Allow playing all encodable files in teddyCloud
- gui: ESP32 flash process - integrated remaining manual steps. Certificate extraction is now also automated
- gui: Added Spanish language - feel free to improve translations as current translation is completely done by ChatGPT.
And a big Thank you for all bug reports in the time inbetween.
Feel free to have a look onto it and if you see any bug… please report it!
Known bugs:
- There is still a deadlock in rare situations. As this is very rare, it will be fixed in a future version.