Running teddycloud as a home-assistant addon

I wanted to share a small wrapper around the teddycloud server which makes it easy to install and run teddycloud on home-assistant:

Beware currently this is not 100% stable, there might be some small bugs (mainly missing rewrites for the js of the frontend through nginx), but the teddycloud server runs, so it’s looking for some more testers.
I just bumped to use the 0.6.0 version of teddycloud.



I will test this. I was looking for how to do this exact thing. I just don’t know to write add-ons for HA.

I have added your Repo and am downloading now.

First issue that I am running into that we will need to work out is that it cannot coexist with nginx SSL proxy manager that a lot of Home Assistant users will be running so that they can access their home assistant remotely. I think the best bet would be to see if we can figure out a way to connect the container to two networks because home assistant supervisor will change the MAC address and the network that the container is on every time you reload it if you change the MAC address the IP as well as Network driver manually using something such as portainer. (I was recreating the container with Portainer to change the MAC address and IP to the one I assigned it on my home network, and to change the network to one I had created with MacVlan instead of host)

Are you running Home Assistant as a container or as Home Assistant OS? I have HASS running on a Raspberry Pi as HASS OS and I get exactly your error that port 443 is already in use.

I also installed the addon.
For some other newbies: the easiest way to get the Server certificate is, that you create an Backup from the addon. Than you can open the certificate folder with the Explorer.