Teddycloud successfully run for a few weeks when the docker broke. Maybe a systems crash of the host caused the error. I set up a second docker and the cloud is running but i always get the error TLS handshake failure. I tried to upload the client certificates via Webinterface - no success. Then I uploaded the certs via library and moved it via console into der certs/clients folder. Still not success and still handshake failure.
If the cloud crashes and I need to run a new docker do I have all the steps with extracting firmware, patching and upload? Or is there a way to copy the client certs into the new cloud?
Please distinguish between the client and server certificates.
The client certificates are store within the certs volumes in the client directory. This is where you put the original client.der, private.der and ca.der from your box to connect to the boxine cloud
The server certificates are stored within the certs volumes in the server directory.
This is where teddyCloud saves its certificates/ca that are generated on first run. The CA from teddyCloud you flashed onto your box.
If you create a new docker container that is using a different volume, teddyCloud will create a new individual certificate/ca. This will result into different certs in teddyCloud and your flashed box.
The easiest way is just to reuse the certs volume from your first container and copy it over to your new one. As alternative, you’ll have to reflash your box with the new ca.