SHA1 not valid or length different for TAF

Hello everyone,

I currently have the problem that my RFIDfreinds tag unfortunately produces the following error message.

Has anyone of you ever had this?

RROR|handler.c:0551:readTrackPositions| Failed to read track position at 72826880 with error End of file reached [304], /teddycloud/data/library/by/audioID/1728478916.taf
INFO |server.c:0432:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.233.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.233.0
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0448:handleCloudContent|  >> client requested content for rUID 6a0af40e500304e0, auth 00000000...
ERROR|handler.c:0551:readTrackPositions| Failed to read track position at 72826880 with error End of file reached [304], /teddycloud/data/library/by/audioID/1728478916.taf
ERROR|handler.c:0591:readTrackPositions| SHA1 not valid or length different for TAF /teddycloud/data/library/by/audioID/1728478916.taf
ERROR|handler.c:0591:readTrackPositions| SHA1 not valid or length different for TAF /teddycloud/data/library/by/audioID/1728478916.taf
ERROR|handler.c:0551:readTrackPositions| Failed to read track position at 72826880 with error End of file reached [304], /teddycloud/data/library/by/audioID/1728478916.taf
ERROR|handler.c:0591:readTrackPositions| SHA1 not valid or length different for TAF /teddycloud/data/library/by/audioID/1728478916.taf
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0684:handleCloudContent| Serve local content from /teddycloud/data/library/by/audioID/1728478916.taf
ERROR|handler_cloud.c:0698:handleCloudContent|  >> file /teddycloud/data/library/by/audioID/1728478916.taf not available or not send, error=Timeout [220]...

This file is most likely broken.

Hey 0xbadbee,

Thank you for your quick response.

Ok, do you have any idea how I can fix it?

If you own the tonie and have the cloud_auth information availabe, you can do the following:

  1. Remove TAF file via ‘Library’ view
  2. Download TAF again via ‘Tonies’ view.
    Bild 3166
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It works,

You are welcome.