Stuck at booting after flashing FW

Hey guys,
I tried to flash my CC3200 Toniebox… multiple times by now.
Firstly I am using a UART-USB module (FT232) OS: Win11 and tried to flash it due to the lack of UART cables with wires at the soldering points.
In principle the flash process seemed to have worked, but where is my mistake?

Do you think it could work under Linux?
Many thanks in advance

<\0>INFO  main.c:777:main: HackieboxNG preloader debug 0.9.3 b14eb68<\n>
INFO  main.c:789:main: Wakeup by cause 0<\n>
DEBUG main.c:797:main: Mounting sd card...<\n>
TRACE helper.c:49:SdFileExists: sd:/revvox/boot/ngbootloader.bin exists.<\n>
DEBUG main.c:850:main: Open sd:/revvox/boot/ngbootloader.bin ...<\n>
DEBUG main.c:854:main: Read sd:/revvox/boot/ngbootloader.bin ...<\n>
DEBUG main.c:858:main: Read 36095 bytes<\n>
INFO  main.c:629:prepareRun: SHA256 hash=06c54cac0c61cd6fba21ab94c76969198ce41c25b10f105edc7ce60e537cd6b6 <\n>
DEBUG main.c:342:BoardDeinitCustom: Prepare board deinitialization...<\n>
INFO  main.c:758:prepareRun: Start firmware sd:/revvox/boot/ngbootloader.bin ...<\n>
<\0>INFO  main.c:777:main: HackieboxNG bootloader debug 0.9.3 b14eb68<\n>
INFO  main.c:789:main: Wakeup by cause 0<\n>
TRACE config.c:193:Config_InitImageInfos: Initialize ImageInfos<\n>
DEBUG main.c:797:main: Mounting sd card...<\n>
TRACE config.c:222:Config_ReadJsonCfg: Reading config with 2197b in size.<\n>
<27>[94mTRACE<27>[0m <27>[90mhelper.c:60:FlashFileExists():<27>[0m flash:/sys/pre-img.bin exists.<\n>
<27>[32mINFO <27>[0m <27>[90mmain.c:406:ReadBootInfo():<27>[0m Read bootinfo firmware=1, state=0xabcddcba<\n>
<27>[33mWARN <27>[0m <27>[90mhelper.c:52:SdFileExists():<27>[0m sd:/revvox/boot/ng-ofw3.bin doesn't exist.<\n>
<27>[33mWARN <27>[0m <27>[90mhelper.c:52:SdFileExists():<27>[0m sd:/revvox/boot/ng-cfw1.bin doesn't exist.<\n>
<27>[33mWARN <27>[0m <27>[90mhelper.c:52:SdFileExists():<27>[0m sd:/revvox/boot/ng-cfw2.bin doesn't exist.<\n>
<27>[33mWARN <27>[0m <27>[90mhelper.c:52:SdFileExists():<27>[0m sd:/revvox/boot/ng-cfw3.bin doesn't exist.<\n>
<27>[33mWARN <27>[0m <27>[90mhelper.c:52:SdFileExists():<27>[0m sd:/revvox/boot/ng-add1.bin doesn't exist.<\n>
<27>[33mWARN <27>[0m <27>[90mhelper.c:52:SdFileExists():<27>[0m sd:/revvox/boot/ng-add2.bin doesn't exist.<\n>
<27>[33mWARN <27>[0m <27>[90mhelper.c:52:SdFileExists():<27>[0m sd:/revvox/boot/ng-add3.bin doesn't exist.<\n>
<27>[36mDEBUG<27>[0m <27>[90mmain.c:807:main():<27>[0m Battery level is 10946, poweroff at 8869<\n>
<27>[36mDEBUG<27>[0m <27>[90mmain.c:825:main():<27>[0m Open flash:/sys/pre-img.bin ...<\n>
<27>[36mDEBUG<27>[0m <27>[90mmain.c:832:main():<27>[0m Read 16384 bytes<\n>
<27>[36mDEBUG<27>[0m <27>[90mmain.c:342:BoardDeinitCustom():<27>[0m Prepare board deinitialization...<\n>
<27>[32mINFO <27>[0m <27>[90mmain.c:755:prepareRun():<27>[0m Start firmware flash:/sys/pre-img.bin ...<\n>
<\0>INFO  main.c:777:main: HackieboxNG preloader debug 0.9.3 b14eb68<\n>
WARN  main.c:780:main: Wakeup by WDT_Reset<\n>
INFO  main.c:469:hibernate: Prepare hibernation<\n>
DEBUG main.c:342:BoardDeinitCustom: Prepare board deinitialization...<\n>

Please check if the pre-img.bin on your flash is broken (ofw bootloader)

Thanks for your hint!
Now its working!

I was able to backup my original Mcuimg.bin from the backup.bin

  1. Extracted via:
    cc3200tool -if .\backup.bin read_all_files .\extract_bin\

  2. Uploaded via:
    cc3200tool -p COM3 write_file .\extract_bin\mcuimg.bin /sys/pre-img.bin

A post was split to a new topic: Flashing / Reading taking long?