Teddy.exe vs. TeddyBench.exe - Windows

With the old Teddy.exe I could generate TAF files via shell.
Is it also possible to do this with the TeddyBench.exe?

I haven’t found anything on this yet.

no, you can’t. But you may use the teddycloud CLI for that.

Yes, but then it also runs on the Docker container and my Synology doesn’t have as much power as my PC :wink:

No, it doesn’t run only in a docker container. There is a Linux binary and a Windows binary

I already know that - but my TeddyCloud runs as a Docker container on my Synology.
And your suggestion would mean I have to temporarily start a second TeddyCloud on my Windows PC - that’s a bit too complicated.
I’ll just continue to do it directly with the Teddy.exe

You don’t temporarily start a second instance on your computer. You use the teddycloud CLI as replacement to teddy

Ok now I really don’t know what you mean exactly.
What do I have to download and how can I use it?
I would also be happy to receive a link to the documentation so I can take a look at it.

Each Release has its assets! Not only the source, but also binaries, as @0xbadbee said.

So just download, extract and use the teddycloud.exe in cli of your choice :slight_smile: