teddyCloud and official boxine Audiothek

Hi all

I just received my ???-limited edition Toniebox.
To my surprise it still had a CC3200 chip but since I already did the flashing on an older CC3200 model, no issues in adding it to my teddyCloud.

The box comes with 2 additional downloadable episodes which are stored in the “Audiothek” of the myTonies account. You can then assign this content to either a “Kreativ-Tonie” or to the official one.

This works and everything is properly downloaded but I assume you already knew this.

However there is an issue with the metadata in by/audioID of the downloaded episodes. One episode doesn’t have any metadata at all and the other one has the metadata of the original episode of the tonie.

  • 1602579939.taf - Original content, properly displayed
  • 1701171870.taf - downloaded episode, no metadata at all
  • 1701244274.taf - downloaded episode, metadata of original content

My question now is, how am I supposed to edit those metadata? Should I do this directly in the tonies.json or should I rather create a new model and add it to the tonies.custom.json?

I searched the forum but couldn’t find any answer.

Thanks in advance and thanks for all the great work you guys have done!


In short, usually you don’t.

The tonies.json is generated by us. You may send us the values or integrate it via a PR on our GitHub. With 0.6.4 (and the current dev) it may generate the right data.

You may edit the tonies.custom.json to add missing entries, if it is completely custom content or you need it ASAP.


Cool, thanks for the info. I’d be willing to open a PR. Is there some tutorial / guide on how to get the proper information for the audioID?

I had a look at the store and extracted this payload parts from the XHR calls (source: tonies® | Audioinhalte Die drei ??? - und das Hexen-Handy | Jetzt bestellen):

Relevant JSON part
      "series": {
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      "name": "und das Hexen-Handy",
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      "description": "Der neueste Hit unter den Teenagern in Rocky Beach: \"Hexenhandys\"! Sie leichten im Dunkeln giftgrün und statt zu klingeln, kichern sie gruselig.\n \nDoch dann legt sich ein düsterer Schatten auf das kleine Küstenstädtchen.\nEinige der stolzen Besitzer dieser Handys verschwinden auf unheimliche Weise. Zurück am Tatort bleiben nur die leuchtenden Mobiltelefone, auf deren Display die Teufelszahl 666 erscheint.\n \nDie drei Detektive Justus, Peter und Bob nehmen per Handy die Spur auf, ohne zu wissen, was sie am anderen Ende der Leitung erwartet...",
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      "tracks": "Teil 1\nTeil 2\nTeil 3\nTeil 4",
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There is a variant in the payload however it is actually referencing another episode:

Second Episode
      "series": {
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      "description": "Ein unbekannter Anrufer behauptet, Bob wäre der einzige Augenzeuge eines Mordes. Und als wäre das nicht schon seltsam genug, handelt das neueste Buch des Autors Ben Hustler von genau diesem Verbrechen. Bob glaubt an einen schlechten Scherz. Doch als er beginnt, die ersten Kapitel von \"Höhenangst\" zu lesen, überkommt ihn eine Gänsehaut.",
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What part of the payload is relevant for the yaml and how would I have to call the yaml file?

The information about the TAF are:

  "audioId": 1701244274,
  "sha1Hash": "c568616bb4f6645274489038818eea414d7f74a2",
  "size": 51584410,
  "valid": true

If you could guide me into how I have to create the yaml, I’ll be happy to open a PR as well as for the other episode.

I just realized that the second episode extracted from the payload in the post above resembles the other TAF which was not properly identified.

These are the information about the “Höhenangst” TAF:

  "audioId": 1701171870,
  "sha1Hash": "eab9a2e7bbfbaedd8ce5f219602ed610e1fea75b",
  "size": 56615272,
  "valid": true

As I said I’m willing to create the PR myself if you can point me in the right direction.

Please use the develop version to extract the data, as the data in 0.6.3 is incomplete

Ok, I’ve found the relevant yaml: yaml/10000158.yaml

I can complete the data for “Hexenhandy”.
How do I figure out if the other episode belongs to the same articleID? This one is not yet in the repo.

I created a PR: Update 10000158.yaml - Hexen-Handy and Höhenangst by storm1ng · Pull Request #75 · toniebox-reverse-engineering/tonies-json · GitHub