Can anyone else confirm that the audio encoder integrated in TeddyCloud plays the uploaded audio files significantly quieter than the original sound files? Is this already a known issue?
With a sound file that occasionally overdrives (it’s a bad conversion of an old cassette) the volume is significantly lower than with other imports.
Another sound file, which is not overdriven in the original, also starts extremely quietly, but gets louder and louder over the course of the first 25 seconds or so.
I couldn’t find an option to increase the volume of the .taf files in the settings. It might be good to have some more options for the audio converter and encoder. I don’t know how the audio is converted (ffmpeg?), but if currently an overdriven recording will be converted to .taf with a lower volume, it might make sense to clip them instead.
What is the best option to create .taf files independently and outside the TeddyCloud? There seems to be a lot going on in:
In don’t know if this is the same.for macos. But you can use the teddyCloud cli within the container or extract the executable from there.
The Linux amd64 executable is available in the zip release.