Teddycloud MQTT Config URL

Does anyone know how to fix this error with receiving MQTT from teddycloud? Teddycloud is running in docker, on a different server. Basically the error says that it doesn’t know where to find configuration information for the devices received. (I realize this isn’t a Home Assistant support forum, but the error seems to stem from teddycloud, not HA)

2024-07-23 16:44:30.997 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.mixins] Error 'invalid url for dictionary value @ data[‘device’][‘configuration_url’]’ when processing MQTT discovery message topic: ‘homeassistant/number/teddyCloud_Server/toniebox-led/config’, message: ‘{‘name’: ‘toniebox.led - 0=on, 1=off, 2=dimmed’, ‘command_topic’: ‘/toniebox-led/command’, ‘max’: 2, ‘min’: 0, ‘unique_id’: ‘teddyCloud_Server_toniebox-led’, ‘device’: {‘model’: ‘teddyCloud’, ‘configuration_url’: ‘’, ‘manufacturer’: ‘Team RevvoX’, ‘name’: ‘teddyCloud - Server’, ‘hw_version’: ‘linux aarch64’, ‘identifiers’: ‘teddyCloud_Server’, ‘sw_version’: ‘v0.5.2 (454631f)’}, ‘state_topic’: ‘/toniebox-led/status’, ‘availability_topic’: ‘/status’, ‘platform’: ‘mqtt’}’

Yes, i had the same error and figured out that it’s the “Host URL” from the settings in teddycloud wich is used there. So this URL has to be valid.

Do I need to add http:// to my hostname, instead of just an IP address?

yes, in my case I added: http://tc.local and pointed via pihole to the actual IP of teddycloud

Simply adding http:// in front of the ip for my host URL solved it! I kinda feel silly that it was something so easy.