Timed out while waiting for ack :(

Hi there,

I try to pull the certificates from the box but it always failed. I followed the beginners guide and everything worked until I have to reach the debugging port.

I think the connection to the port is fine, after 3 seconds flashing green light its permanent green.

But when i try to backup the Certs i got the following error:

can someone helm me with this?

after a few hours of try and error I found a solution:

this is original command:
cc3200tool -p COM3 read_all_files ExtractedFromBox/ read_flash backup.bin

i just modified it like that and it worked:
cc3200tool -p COM3 --reset dtr read_all_files ExtractedFromBox/ read_flash backup.bin

I have now flashed the software and done everything according to the instructions and have now put the toniebox back into operation. It starts up just like before the flash, but unfortunately I find Not as a device in the Teddy Cloud. Can anyone help?

Im not sure what to do with teddycloud host name… my tc runs on my synology NAS. Do i have to make any changes with this patch?

Hostname is the ip or domain of your teddycloud instance.

Please check if it is reachable from other devices, especially https://[ip]:443 should lead to some authorisation like error and not to your nas. If it’s leading to your nas you have to set a dedicated ip to your teddycloud with e.g. macvlan

If you are sure teddycloud is reachable with your desired ip, then you can create the custom alt url patch and add it like described.

I already work with macvlan.

If I enter HTTPS:// before the IP address, I get the following error
Error 401

So i think that is fine. I will try to enter the IP address for Host later and hope that works

That sounds ok. Then enter this ip in the custom alt url form and create the patch and use it

I can’t enter an IP address in the hostname field, as it only allows up to 12 letters.

Then you’ll need a shorter IP or a local domain name that you can use.

ok, i just tried it with network name “teddycloud” but the toniebox doesnt appear on teddycloud webpage.

thats my alturl.custom.305.json

    "general": {
        "_desc": "Changes Boxine URLs to custom ones.",
        "_memPos": "",
        "_fwVer": "3.0.5+"
    "searchAndReplace": [{
        "_desc": "prod.de.tbs.toys to teddycloud",
        "search":  ["70", "72", "6f", "64", "2e", "64", "65", "2e", "74", "62", "73", "2e", "74", "6f", "79", "73", "00"],
        "replace": ["74", "65", "64", "64", "79", "63", "6c", "6f", "75", "64", "00", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??"]
    }, {
        "_desc": "rtnl.bxcl.de to teddycloud",
        "search":  ["72", "74", "6e", "6c", "2e", "62", "78", "63", "6c", "2e", "64", "65", "00"],
        "replace": ["74", "65", "64", "64", "79", "63", "6c", "6f", "75", "64", "00", "??", "??"]

and thats my ngcfg.json

“general”: {
“activeImg”: “ofw2”,
“_descWaitForPress”: “Waits for an earpress on startup”,
“waitForPress”: false,
“_descWaitForBoot”: “Waits for an earpress before firmware boot”,
“waitForBoot”: false,
“waitTimeoutInS”: 60,
“_descMinBatteryLevel”: “Divide through 2785 to get voltage”,
“minBatteryLevel”: 8869,
“ofwFixFlash”: “/sys/pre-img.bin”,
“_descSerialLog”: “Logging only works with the debug build!”,
“serialLog”: false,
“_descLogLevel”: “0:Trace - 5:Fatal”,
“logLevel”: 0,
“_descLogColor”: “Use colors in log output”,
“logColor”: false
“ofw1”: {
“checkHash”: false,
“hashFile”: false,
“watchdog”: true,
“bootFlashImg”: true,
“flashImg”: “/sys/pre-img.bin”
“ofw2”: {
“checkHash”: true,
“hashFile”: false,
“watchdog”: true,
“ofwFix”: true,
“ofwSimBL”: true,
“patches”: [“altCa.305”, “altUrl.custom.305”]

can you identify any faults?

I doubt you can reach your teddyCloud instance under http://teddycloud

i dont know if it is correct but i changed the name in fritz.box interface and that works:

i just did the steps from the instruction again but it still dont work. When i try feshnesscheck the box is pulsing blue once after a few seconds pressing one ear befor it returns to be green light

I also tried to put the IP adress directly into the alturl.custom.305 but it’s the same. Everything looks fine but the box doesnt appear in teddycloud

The Fritzbox name should be tc as written in the docs.
Then you can use the default patch.

i tried that. Meanwhile i got a lot of support via telegram from marco. He checked everything and has no more idea to solve my issues.

So if someone here have any idea why the box doesnt appear in de cloud Im would be happy to get some more support.