Unforutanely i cannot find your tonie online. Toniebox was released in summer 2016. I am not sure if there exists any tonie from 2015. Sorry, but i need more details. I cannot add it for now.
looks that you have the content tone mentioned one post above:
article: '2000000026'
lock-data: false
- series: Benjamin Blümchen
series-id: benjamin-bluemchen
episode: als Polizist
release: 1595721600
language: de-de
category: audio-play
runtime: 2474
age: 3
origin: tunes
image: https://cdn.tonies.de/o/images/1_f1d1613e24111d7e31a334d9d2b67334cabe65494a628e8980ac1920/3_dQ1TWhyFHr-Nv55t/benjamin_blumchen_122_als_polizist_530x530.jpg
sample: null
web: https://tonies.com/de-de/audio-content/benjamin-bluemchen/als-polizist/
shop-id: fc529f9b-8d1a-4c2b-93cb-57f25d252a6a
- Titelsong
- Die Polizei braucht Hilfe
- Neue Polizisten
- Der Rüssel-Rüffel
- Falsch geholfen
- Bürgermeister aus dem Häuschen
- Lukas und sein Hoppel
- Hilfe, der Gemüsedieb!
- Lukas war‘s nicht
- Die Blumen-Raser-Bremse
- Karla unter Verdacht
- Wo ist Hoppel-
- Des Rätsels Lösung
ids: []
I tried to report two missing tonies in Teddycloud with Teddybench. But for now, they are still missing in Teddycloud. Should i report it here and you can add them?
@Tomie: merge will take a while, because of a missing information. The number of tracks inside of each tonie. This information will be added to webinterface soon. Unfortunatly there is no way to get the information easily.
If you want, you can get the tracks by claping the toniebox (jump to next chapter) and report this info here.
Please report/confirm tracks for “Fantasia”: 7
Please report/confirm tracks for “Scooby-Doo”: 6
Will the update of the tonies list also be in the stable Version of Teddycloud?
A restart of the Teddycloud Container should bring it there, right?
Can i also get the updated list through this two buttons in the settings from Teddycloud?
We know, but the track number can differ per TAF and are not always in sync with data from website. (content may change later), so we need to know the track count per audio-id.
Scooby: 6 Tracks, also the Tracklist seems to be right
Fantasia: 7 Tracks, at the beginning of Track Seven the Reader says its the last Track of the Music Album
Sorry, for writing again. I started the server from the settings menu in Teddycloud and after that also through a restart from the Dockercontainer (Portainer) and after that also as a restart in the proxmox instance.
The Tonies which are missing with cover and title information didnt get recognized. There is still the Placeholder Icon.