Toniebox blinks red with RFID Chips and Custom Tonie

Thank you for this project, setting everything up was quite easy.
Boxes are seen in Teddycloud as online, but it wont recognize the tags and blinks red.

Raw2 | #618 Uptime: 614286 Func:  3-19117 Payload: 'E80F0000' ASCII: '....'
Raw2 | #619 Uptime: 614286 Func:  3-19571 Payload: 'E80F000000000000' ASCII: '........'
Raw2 | #620 Uptime: 735315 Func:  3-19117 Payload: 'E00F0000' ASCII: '....'
Raw2 | #621 Uptime: 735315 Func:  3-19571 Payload: 'E00F000000000000' ASCII: '........'
Raw2 | #622 Uptime: 808226 Func: 27-15524 Payload: '963C0000FAFFFFFF0B000000' ASCII: '.<..........'
Raw3 | Datetime: 808 Unknown: 1
Pressed: ear-big
Raw2 | #623 Uptime: 817613 Func: 15-15482 Payload: '0EF4D2E8E004035001000000' ASCII: '.......P....'
Raw2 | #624 Uptime: 817613 Func: 15-16065 Payload: '0EF4D2E8E0040350' ASCII: '.......P'
KnownTag | E00403500EF4D2E8
Raw3 | Datetime: 817 Unknown: 11
Raw2 | #625 Uptime: 817614 Func: 24-16643 Payload: 'C5400000C6400000' ASCII: '.@...@..'
Raw2 | #626 Uptime: 817614 Func: 24-16635 Payload: '12000000' ASCII: '....'
Raw2 | #627 Uptime: 817614 Func: 35-16283 Payload: '7E3F0000' ASCII: '~?..'
Raw2 | #628 Uptime: 817615 Func: 24-16637 Payload: 'DC4000001F000000' ASCII: '.@......'
Raw2 | #629 Uptime: 817617 Func: 24-16650 Payload: 'DC4000001F00000000000000000000000000000012000000' ASCII: '.@......................'
Raw2 | #630 Uptime: 817617 Func: 24-18478 Payload: '000F000000' ASCII: '.....'
Raw2 | #631 Uptime: 817618 Func: 24-16643 Payload: 'C6400000C5400000' ASCII: '.@...@..'
Raw2 | #632 Uptime: 818543 Func: 15-16067 Payload: '0EF4D2E8E0040350' ASCII: '.......P'
Raw2 | #633 Uptime: 818543 Func: 24-16696 Payload: 'C5400000' ASCII: '.@..'
Raw2 | #634 Uptime: 832384 Func: 27-15524 Payload: '963C0000F7FFFFFF0A000000' ASCII: '.<..........'
Raw3 | Datetime: 832 Unknown: 2
Pressed: ear-small
Raw2 | #635 Uptime: 837697 Func: 24-18884 Payload: 'AA4000003F000D000000250000006B02000000B20142' ASCII: '.@..?.....%...k......B'
Raw2 | #636 Uptime: 837697 Func: 24-16965 Payload: 'FC1ACB3F' ASCII: '...?'
Raw2 | #637 Uptime: 837698 Func: 24-16575 Payload: '4C0001000000000000000000000001000000' ASCII: 'L.................'
Raw2 | #638 Uptime: 849799 Func: 24-16577 Payload: 'AA400000' ASCII: '.@..'
Raw2 | #639 Uptime: 849800 Func: 24-16579 Payload: '452F0000' ASCII: 'E/..'

Can anyone help me please? Thank you very much.

Please add the docker logs and give more details.

WARN |platform_linux.c:0292:socketReceive| buffer does not contain null terminator
INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server…
INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request| trying IP:
WARN |platform_linux.c:0292:socketReceive| buffer does not contain null terminator


INFO |cloud_request.c:0479:web_request| Response: ‘1734453295’
INFO |server.c:0959:server_init| 2 open HTTPS API connections
INFO |server.c:0430:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.233.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.233.0
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0092:handleCloudOTA| >> OTA-Request for 5 with timestamp 1669853893 (2022-12-01 00:18:13)
INFO |mqtt.c:0699:mqtt_init_box| Registered new box 'Anna Rot teddyCloud Box ’ (cn: ‘’)
INFO |mqtt.c:0700:mqtt_init_box| Using base path ‘teddyCloud/box/’ and id ‘teddyCloud_Box_’
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0184:handleCloudOTA| >> Replaced OTA query cv=1669853893 with new OTA query cv=1
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0234:handleCloudOTA| >> No OTA (newer) found for 5
INFO |server.c:0430:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.233.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.233.0
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0092:handleCloudOTA| >> OTA-Request for 2 with timestamp 1715951265 (2024-05-17 13:07:45)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0184:handleCloudOTA| >> Replaced OTA query cv=1715951265 with new OTA query cv=1
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0234:handleCloudOTA| >> No OTA (newer) found for 2
INFO |server.c:0430:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.233.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.233.0
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0092:handleCloudOTA| >> OTA-Request for 6 with timestamp 1534781997 (2018-08-20 16:19:57)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0184:handleCloudOTA| >> Replaced OTA query cv=1534781997 with new OTA query cv=1
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0234:handleCloudOTA| >> No OTA (newer) found for 6
INFO |server.c:0430:httpServerRequestCallback| UA=toniebox-esp32-eu/v5.233.0, ESPFW=eu/v5.233.0
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0092:handleCloudOTA| >> OTA-Request for 3 with timestamp 1715951512 (2024-05-17 13:11:52)
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0184:handleCloudOTA| >> Replaced OTA query cv=1715951512 with new OTA query cv=1
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0234:handleCloudOTA| >> No OTA (newer) found for 3
INFO |server.c:0959:server_init| 3 open HTTPS API connections
INFO |server.c:0959:server_init| 2 open HTTPS API connections


WARN |platform_linux.c:0292:socketReceive| buffer does not contain null terminator
INFO |handler_cloud.c:0041:handleCloudTime| >> respond with current time
INFO |mqtt.c:0685:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client ‘Toniebox’ (cn: ‘default’)
WARN |platform_linux.c:0292:socketReceive| buffer does not contain null terminator

that’s all i could find. But i have to admit i don’t know what this means.

Teddycloud 0.6.2
Two boxes with ESP32 added
One works fine, the other one blinks red.
Pls let me know what else could be useful to you.

Thank you very much!

Please be sure that only one box is on, when you are reading the logs. If the box starts up, does the OTA requests and then blinks red and restarts it is most likely you forgot to set the box up before flashing it. Or maybe you did a factory reset.
Please use your initial backup to flash your box back, set it up and start over.

The Box was online in Teddybench, so before starting to flash it again i tried this from the Wiki:

Blinks red when woken up or a tonie is placed on
microSD defect?
Known problems | Toniebox Hacking

I formatted and refilled the SD Card and the Box works fine now.
Thank you for your help, maybe this helps others as well.