Toniebox not listed at /web/tonieboxes but connected to teddycloud

Hi all,

i followed the tutorial to connect and flash our toniebox with the current release version v0.6.3 of teddycloud.
Looking into the logs and testing with tonies, i can confirm the box is using the teddycloud instance.
In example some logs of a freshness check:

teddycloud  | INFO |mqtt.c:0690:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0817:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| Content (432 of 432)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0825:handleCloudFreshnessCheck| Found 27 tonies:
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: E00403501B92389C, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: E00403501BE3E0B7, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 646B6349 (2023-05-22 12:42:49), audioid-server: 646B6349 (2023-05-22 12:42:49)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0000000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 58DE2BEB (2017-03-31 10:14:03)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0100000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8975 (2016-09-30 15:49:09)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0200000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8975 (2016-09-30 15:49:09)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0300000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8975 (2016-09-30 15:49:09)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0400000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0500000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0600000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 6644C1D2 (2024-05-15 14:08:18)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0700000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 595364DC (2017-06-28 08:12:12)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0800000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 59536396 (2017-06-28 08:06:46)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0900000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8977 (2016-09-30 15:49:11)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0A00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 595363CC (2017-06-28 08:07:40)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0B00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8977 (2016-09-30 15:49:11)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0C00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 00000001 (special)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0D00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0E00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 0F00000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1000000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8978 (2016-09-30 15:49:12)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1100000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 59F0AC95 (2017-10-25 15:24:05)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1200000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8979 (2016-09-30 15:49:13)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1300000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8979 (2016-09-30 15:49:13)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1400000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE8979 (2016-09-30 15:49:13)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1500000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1600000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1700000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0885:handleCloudFreshnessCheck|   uid: 1800000001000000, nocloud: 0, live: 0, updated: 0, audioid: 57EE897A (2016-09-30 15:49:14)
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request|   trying IP:
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0453:web_request| Binary data, not dumping body
teddycloud  | INFO |handler.c:0363:cbrCloudBodyPassthrough| Marked UID E00403501B92389C as updated from cloud

Changing the tonie to radio also works.

Loading the Toniebox subpage shows the following logs within teddycloud container:

teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0346:handleCloudClaim|  >> client claim requested rUID b7e0e31b500304e0, auth D0EDFD48...
teddycloud  | INFO |mqtt.c:0690:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0396:handleCloudClaim|  >> cloud claim disabled
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_api.c:2375:handleApiTonieboxJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonieboxes.json with size 3022
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_api.c:2375:handleApiTonieboxJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonieboxes.json with size 3022
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0041:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
teddycloud  | INFO |mqtt.c:0690:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0041:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
teddycloud  | INFO |mqtt.c:0690:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request|   trying IP:
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0479:web_request| Response: '1737200041'
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request|   trying IP:
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0479:web_request| Response: '1737200041'

Teddycloud is behind a reverse proxy with certificate based routing, like mentioned here:

Any idea what the issue might be?

Attached a screenshot:

Bootup logs:

teddycloud  | TeddyCloud v0.6.3 (39b2f89) - 2025-01-06 08:31:53 +0000 ubuntu linux-x86_64(64)
teddycloud  |
teddycloud  | INFO |settings.c:0851:settings_load_ovl| Load settings from /teddycloud/config/config.overlay.ini
teddycloud  | INFO |settings.c:0851:settings_load_ovl| Load settings from /teddycloud/config/config.ini
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File '/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-root.pem' assumed PEM style
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File '/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-key.pem' detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File '/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-cert.pem' assumed PEM style
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File '/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-key.pem' detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0197:read_certificate| File '/teddycloud/certs/client/ca.der' detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0197:read_certificate| File '/teddycloud/certs/client/client.der' detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File '/teddycloud/certs/client/private.der' detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
teddycloud  | INFO |settings.c:0851:settings_load_ovl| Load settings from /teddycloud/config/config.overlay.ini
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0390:tls_adapter_init| Loading certificates...
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File '/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-root.pem' assumed PEM style
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File '/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-key.pem' detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File '/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-cert.pem' assumed PEM style
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File '/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-key.pem' detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0197:read_certificate| File '/teddycloud/certs/client/ca.der' detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0197:read_certificate| File '/teddycloud/certs/client/client.der' detected as DER style CERTIFICATE
teddycloud  | INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File '/teddycloud/certs/client/private.der' detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
teddycloud  | INFO |toniesJson.c:0280:tonies_readJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonies.custom.json with size 2
teddycloud  | INFO |toniesJson.c:0280:tonies_readJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonies.json with size 5117342
teddycloud  | INFO |toniesJson.c:0100:tonies_update| Updating tonies.json from
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request|   trying IP:
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0382:web_request| Redirecting to:
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request|   trying IP:
teddycloud  | INFO |toniesJson.c:0124:tonies_update| ... success updating tonies.json from, reloading
teddycloud  | INFO |toniesJson.c:0280:tonies_readJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonies.custom.json with size 2
teddycloud  | INFO |toniesJson.c:0280:tonies_readJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonies.json with size 5117342
teddycloud  | INFO |toniesJson.c:0211:tonieboxes_update| Updating tonies.json from
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request|   trying IP:
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0382:web_request| Redirecting to:
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request|   trying IP:
teddycloud  | INFO |toniesJson.c:0238:tonieboxes_update| ... success updating tonieboxes.json from, reloading
teddycloud  | INFO |toniesJson.c:0280:tonies_readJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonies.custom.json with size 2
teddycloud  | INFO |toniesJson.c:0280:tonies_readJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonies.json with size 5117342
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0041:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
teddycloud  | INFO |mqtt.c:0690:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0041:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
teddycloud  | INFO |mqtt.c:0690:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
teddycloud  | INFO |handler_cloud.c:0041:handleCloudTime|  >> respond with current time
teddycloud  | INFO |mqtt.c:0690:mqtt_init_box| Skipping client 'Toniebox' (cn: 'default')
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request|   trying IP:
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0479:web_request| Response: '1737200260'
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0200:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0252:web_request|   trying IP:
teddycloud  | INFO |cloud_request.c:0479:web_request| Response: '1737200260'

The reverse proxy is the problem. This was teddyCloud may not get the client certificates which are used to identify the box.