Travel Tonies Cutting

I am wondering how everybody is handling this. I have focussed mainly on travel tonies (40mm coin case with spacer from electricky and 10x3mm magnets).
For these travel tonies I need to cut:

  • the cover - 40 to 41 mm diameter
  • the nfc chip - 40 to 41 mm diameter
  • back cover (most times this is blank white paper) - 40 mm diameter

I find it pretty annoying to have to cut at least two, preferrably three circles which I am currently cutting using a spacer from electricky as the blocker to cut around. I was thinking about getting a round cutter but the sizes do not match (38mm would be available but thats too small).

Has anyone solved this to do it more quickly and clean?

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There are adjustable round Cutters.
Place a think piece of Plastik where the Tip goes to prevent poking.

This comes with a Block already Kreiszeichner Kreisschneider Papier Kreisschneider für Kreise von 1-15cm Circle Cutter zum Schneiden von Papierkarton Leder : Küche, Haushalt & Wohnen

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Thank you. I have found those in larger scale only. Thank you. I will try this.

The SLIX-L tags offered by electricky have a diameter of 38mm so that at least they do not have to be cut:

You could use Avery Stickers to print your image and use it as top cover. Or even as back cover.