Unable to access Webinterface ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

first of all thank you for your development and efforts.
I am a bit desperate since i am unable to get the Webinterface running.
This is my docker compose:

version: ‘3’
container_name: teddycloud
hostname: teddycloud
image: ghcr.io/toniebox-reverse-engineering/teddycloud:tc_v0.6.0_ubuntu
- 80:80 #optional (for the webinterface)
#- 8443:8443 #optional (for the webinterface)
- 443:443 #Port is needed for the connection for the box, must not be changed!
- ./certs:/teddycloud/certs
- ./config:/teddycloud/config
- ./content:/teddycloud/data/content
- ./library:/teddycloud/data/library
- ./firmware:/teddycloud/data/firmware
- ./cache:/teddycloud/data/cache
restart: unless-stopped

This is my log output:

TeddyCloud v0.6.0 (12a2a40) - 2024-08-25 12:11:17 +0000 ubuntu linux-aarch64(64)
INFO |settings.c:0809:settings_load_ovl| Load settings from /teddycloud/config/config.overlay.ini
INFO |settings.c:0809:settings_load_ovl| Load settings from /teddycloud/config/config.ini
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-root.pem’ assumed PEM style
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-key.pem’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-cert.pem’ assumed PEM style
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-key.pem’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
ERROR|tls_adapter.c:0189:read_certificate| Failed to open ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/ca.der’ for cert type detection
ERROR|tls_adapter.c:0376:load_cert| Loading cert ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/ca.der’ failed
ERROR|tls_adapter.c:0189:read_certificate| Failed to open ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/client.der’ for cert type detection
ERROR|tls_adapter.c:0376:load_cert| Loading cert ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/client.der’ failed
ERROR|tls_adapter.c:0189:read_certificate| Failed to open ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/private.der’ for cert type detection
ERROR|tls_adapter.c:0376:load_cert| Loading cert ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/private.der’ failed
INFO |settings.c:0809:settings_load_ovl| Load settings from /teddycloud/config/config.overlay.ini
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0390:tls_adapter_init| Loading certificates…
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-root.pem’ assumed PEM style
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/ca-key.pem’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0204:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-cert.pem’ assumed PEM style
INFO |tls_adapter.c:0201:read_certificate| File ‘/teddycloud/certs/server/teddy-key.pem’ detected as DER style RSA PRIVATE KEY
ERROR|tls_adapter.c:0189:read_certificate| Failed to open ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/ca.der’ for cert type detection
ERROR|tls_adapter.c:0376:load_cert| Loading cert ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/ca.der’ failed
ERROR|tls_adapter.c:0189:read_certificate| Failed to open ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/client.der’ for cert type detection
ERROR|tls_adapter.c:0376:load_cert| Loading cert ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/client.der’ failed
ERROR|tls_adapter.c:0189:read_certificate| Failed to open ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/private.der’ for cert type detection
ERROR|tls_adapter.c:0376:load_cert| Loading cert ‘/teddycloud/certs/client/private.der’ failed
INFO |toniesJson.c:0280:tonies_readJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonies.custom.json with size 2
INFO |toniesJson.c:0280:tonies_readJson| Trying to read /teddycloud/config/tonies.json with size 2
INFO |toniesJson.c:0100:tonies_update| Updating tonies.json from api.revvoxLINK…
INFO |cloud_request.c:0159:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server api.revvoxLINK:443…
INFO |cloud_request.c:0211:web_request| trying IP:
INFO |cloud_request.c:0033:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS…
cyclone/cyclone_crypto/cipher/aes.c:268:55: runtime error: left shift of 151 by 24 places cannot be represented in type ‘int’
cyclone/cyclone_crypto/cipher/aes.c:260:47: runtime error: left shift of 144 by 24 places cannot be represented in type ‘int’
cyclone/cyclone_crypto/cipher/aes.c:390:34: runtime error: left shift of 222 by 24 places cannot be represented in type ‘int’
INFO |cloud_request.c:0070:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS done
ERROR|cloud_request.c:0221:web_request| Failed to connect to HTTP server! Error=Access denied [271]
ERROR|toniesJson.c:0130:tonies_update| … failed updating tonies.json error=Access denied [271]
INFO |toniesJson.c:0211:tonieboxes_update| Updating tonies.json from api.revvoxLINK…
INFO |cloud_request.c:0159:web_request| Connecting to HTTP server api.revvoxLINK:443…
INFO |cloud_request.c:0211:web_request| trying IP:
INFO |cloud_request.c:0033:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS…
INFO |cloud_request.c:0070:httpClientTlsInitCallbackBase| Initializing TLS done
ERROR|cloud_request.c:0221:web_request| Failed to connect to HTTP server! Error=Access denied [271]
ERROR|toniesJson.c:0244:tonieboxes_update| … failed updating tonieboxes.json error=Access denied [271]

Am i missing something? Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

It looks like your container has no connection to the internet.
Are you sure you use the right IP address?

Wow that was a fast response. To be honest i am quite new to this. How would i check this?

i cannot access the container via sudo docker exec -i teddycloud /bin/bash. I think it is frozen.

When i try to access the webinterface i use the hosts ip whose port 80 is routed to the container.

In Pihole is see the host contacting api.revvox.de. Where do you see in the logs that the container has no internet access?

Thank you for your help!


Are you sure port 80 is free to use?

It seems to be an issue with my setup. Tried another device and it works. I see the request in pihole, but the answer seems to not reach the container. Curl google.com gave me “no route to host” in the container. It seems I have a DNS issue.
Thank you for helping to find the issue!

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