Hello, I’m having problems extracting the flash memory via the debug port of the box. I cannot establish a connection to the ESP32. I’ve tried Putty, ESPTools, and using the built-in Read Flash from TonieCloud.
I’ve bought a second Serial to USB connector (AZDelivery Kompatibel mit FT232RL USB zu TTL Serial Adapter für 3,3V und 5V kompatibel mit Arduino inklusive E-Book!: Amazon.de: Computer & Zubehör) and even performed a loopback test, which passed (if anyone is interested: import serialimport timedef test_serial_loopback(port, baudrate=9600): - Pastebin.com).
I’ve followed both the official and unofficial instructions, trying more than 15 times. I’ve ruled out all other possibilities and even tested it on another PC. From my perspective, the problem must be with the box itself. I’ve connected it to the Cloud/WiFi, which narrows down the problem to either:
- Hardware issue (box)
- Official firmware update not executed
How can I verify whether the necessary official firmware update was executed? Besides turning it on, how can I initiate an update?
Is there anything else that I can do, should I buy another box?